
Part of Article about the South Vietnamese approach to the Paris Peace Talks

extracted text
'9Y twx.

pori s 1 ( 1':r. nr/ docpo)



dole · tiono to P

the ovidenc

ER 6=Prom1llino!lip•

Al tho ;i Prooidont

offioi lly deniod south Viotnam*o oavoroI

o will 11,;,ait. for Preoido nt Mixon

horo io th t tho short-term

ic to do juot tb t.


ooybo y oloo, 0 i

i�"'.>n diplom tic otr t �

Sai{J()n ncn·,epnporo e,onornl roi'el rofl tinu GO· o:r

· ll be no lone as six mon s M i

o running bann r heo.dlinos tha.t it

bol baforo ooy vacruoly sie.nifico.nt oubotantivo ioouos o ·oornin l., pooo
in the

oourc o,



- uosod t to oonforenoe t�blo.

inoludine oomo joining tho dol

priv Jtely coni'ido "' • t tbo



Viotnrunoso pol1 i nl

ti cm.o goine to P

vornment io 1n no repoa. 1:10 rush

eei o ony importo..nt quosti.ono until Nixon 1 in the

t oy hope-

rioan Amboscm.dor Averill .:!9rell Ho.rrimon,
> '
o "ooll ncr out Laos'' i n 1962 io rO?'-�NM�:ft Pari ·•


e Bou o-ond

oo oidorc he

zozo sag

yy twx

paris 2 (frial.'/deepe)
Indicating Saigon's tough-bargaining attitude a,t Paris is- one important

and ironic oonoession that the 'lhieu government wrangled from the .American

officialdom before he agreed to end his month-long boycott of the peaoe talks.

1his concession � goes baok to the final Palaoe sessions bet men the

Vietnamese eovernment and .Amerioa.n Ambassador Ellsworth S. Dunlter only hours


before President Lyndon Johnson announced unilaterialJ./ his N 0vember 1st
bombing halt of the North-and before 'lhieu told the Americans he would not

send a delegntion to Paris in early November.

As a last-minute compromise

in th0se final Palace confrontati01�1/v1oe President


Nguyen Cao Ky

proposed that Saigon \vould still send a deleg tion to Paris-but would first
tho implioation being that the Victnaraose

disouss only procedural questions,
government ms noi repeat no lon

r trusted the arrangements rlth Hanoi that

Harriman was supposedly makinc; on its behalf".

before P resident Johnson's November 1 spoeoh,

In the pre-da.v.rn hours,

the Amerioan officialdom heTe

--- ....--�

arguing these procedural discussions 1:-.
� fJ r) u •E">...,... :>
asM.ngton was in a hurry. But, � latox! in

reportedly rejected this,
would tak0

onthc arid


attempts to induce Sai n to go to Paris,

r:- ,
,{' /

tho .American offioialdom backed

down and agreed to this oondi tion which it had earlier i•ejeotod--the net l'eaul t

being that Washington and Hanoi lost time in Paris,
least internally,
from tho

but T'Aieu gained,

in political prestige end VTOn even more



erioans than he had previously asked for du.ring the Oo tober sessions.

==more reuter

zczc sag

yy twx

paris 3 (friar/deepe)

wl1ile President Johnson wanted to launch immediately into

sub issues in .Paris,

some �G Vietnamese political ootttres

sources close to the government are now predicting a battle over

procedures in .Paris that may take as long as three m onths-or more.

Another evidence of Saigon'o hard-nosed attitude at Paris is the
_J,-.,fJ17- Q tj t:,1-.S 4--e ·
behind-the-soones role assigned to flamboyant)Vice President ��l!r.'

,. K�who is the most prestigious and po iTerful leader!/ of South' Vietnam• s
,�aye.on� __,,,,.·1
hawks-or eagles as they call themselves. Ky �as o
knomi. to ' opposed
_;, any poaoe negotiations sho:rt of' acoepting a Communist suri·ende:r_;

and the fa.ct that he is masterminding the Paris matters is a softening

of his-and t..1').e government• s--position to some extent.

he oa;n be ex ectcd to veto making
f+7 I}..,�



many important oonoossions to the


Conrnunists. ·-����� sending of en elected Vioe President to �urope will...:_j, l"'7rl A · , ____ _
the ��h government believes� perhaps erroneously-enhance Saigon's

.J /ll- ..· ,


0 �



prestige at the conference table 1





it is evidence of a cm'

clever and oalcul ted political move by President 'lhieu and the government

for the right-wing fa.otion,

mioh looks to Ky for leadership and trusts

his no-sell-out tudt\,wi tp. the Communists, oan not be expected to
. _.......,,.�J __,
''L�. (/ ..,_
. . ., .
cause po11 tionl -cl±�"l'rt'ar...bmro'eB in Saigon. Also, the righ t-,nng ct
and will have to bear responsibility t'�



. .).

zozo sag




p aris 4 (friar/deepe)

Eventually--at some time--the expectation here is that the Americans

and Hanoi vill roach some bilateral ag,reement for a gradual exit of

of some "foreign t:roops*'--hut probably not a total w:i. thdrawal by oithe:r side.
'l>vhile the intensity of the cTal' :I, may be scaled down 1 there is
currently little hope that the Co mmunist will accept Saig�n•s terms for peaoe
and there is not repeat not a glimmer of e·1idenoe that Vice P ,esident Ky

in Paris or President 'lllieu in Saigon will a� aocept anything clo_se to

the Communist teros of a ooali tion governmen1i in Saieon.

out of the interr-ntional headlines,

the war may fade auay somewhat,


the hopes for any genuine peace for ba tared South V ietnam appear very din

The offici"-'


Saigon1 delegation actually negotiating inside the

oonfercnce all numbers only five and his headed by a oompotent foreign
affairo technician and f

fflr ex-am,asaador to �anila,

delegation of Vice President Ky,



sixty eieht p&F§fflF,

trust (0 ne full colonel,

Pham D g


mo ml� operate ou tside the conference hall,


two civilians) ,


-w-limi"" inoludeEI a th:ree-man br ain

mm- :i: twd'-

twelve an seo,retariat

(including colonels, captains, typists, stenographers, speeohvll'iters) and

twenty seven service people (aide de oamps,


hairdresser for

Also a task foroe «I' of more than
cook for the whole delegation).
?u a LI C:�· • Hf: A-�·c,;-,,-_ ·
t"Wenty :Jm:
.. pr,ss and informa tion specialists is also
...= : .
s and other
sohedulod for Paris ' l :-.:J�: �,:.:'-JI� businessmen, V1otnamese journalist
/- ,- i/4�- •. v,---[ ,,
� •=-� ...
unofficial citizens
mrs. kY,


==end reuter