Part of Article about Cambodia harboring North Vietnamese troops
- extracted text
Bev rly Ann Doup
64A Ilong Th· p TU
Saigon, Vietn�m
August 3, 1967
ETN M-Fo· the fir"'t time in the V1etnam ar,
Amorioon military officers openly and publically say Cambodia has
·a.t l0a t five knoun regimen.ta.
Viotncwcse and American fiold oomm dero are eighing--
to !:?trike at the north V ietnamc...,e uni ts.
:But this is considered unlikely
be·oauoe of o.dvoz•oo, world- dde politioal reporoussions,
souro0s r port.
correspondents aro freely
ven briefings on tho sensitive
onoe rosorved only for such aenior
Vice President Richard •
in milit�ry offioeo here sho t
o Nixon.
ericans as
Maps display d casually
big blobs of grease paint in-
Cambodia m rked "UVA"-North Vietnamese Army.
( ore)
- ... ..
TL0 o:f:f:l.c;ir,1 '..!'oodom r;.l von to
f,r.J,_ 1::i.cwn:..,
to di ,ouso 1,b.o :i. souo
clcmicd tlw o,lleg.'!,tion.�ican fiuld
ommnt1dcro, :rooponoiblo for n;::tc'dng tho Oani'boliit:m
knov.n rc-e:,,:ments of North iotnr.:, ,""C regulDl'G rli tt · tcd acroof'.l the led
t�:o f°'-i 1ri oi one lh!Jm;tiili:lrmn aero so tho 1 i no in
t .._;
Cambodia--pagc 4
t ouc;b.t
.American commanders, ho rn=.ive1",
·the &hMicG§ Gt
n. mili tru.7 attack against l rth ietn moae uni ts based in Cambo · a
would have
little chance of succos�.
ur:r wo could l-!!,unoh a lightning ground and air attack against
those uni ts--nll in 24 hours�could knock them, .lout easily, "
Ameri .,an mili -'i; ""Y sou.roes ex.plained.
we nould havo to have
total surpri oe, o:r· else the unit NV uni ts would simply
up and scatter and e'd never get them.
The chances arc that
even a blitz i nvasion of c�mbodia would not approciably alter
here very much •
the militai�y situation to favor uo
believe the border
�·ontJy /
war o.6�inst North Vietnemoce main force units hask eaehed a
.Amcricnn field commanders
mili ta1·y d o.dJ.ook in thi a area.
,e have five North Vietn
bordeI facing our t
moved t
coo r gim nts across the Cambodian
ono tame:rican military souxoe
ho.d the smne fivo regiments facing us when ·we
hore a y · r ago.
In ono year,
rre have killed 2500
North Vietncmcso rcgula:rs--confirmod by bodycount-and
do m mo1�e r ploocments for their canuultioo.
now replaceccnts are younger and
hey•ve brought
i'b.s difference is the
have loos training,
but the
en y is making up for that w:i th much more lethal weaponry."
iJJ<ricrin intclli&-cnce o.xpcrta arc kno,;,n to hat r.::e thoir
iotrtrmcse strencth in Camba • a. on a wido
�o th
a, "' '.JCS"'' •J.r..t of
vrray 0.1. 0vi< nc ,
including ,_ 01·ial rcconn�i cce,nco fli
ts and ground
o ·•i..;vor·,
11-ivc c... �·�ho
.,.. - ? �,.,
not � cui·· .... o{enouf),l.
th:.!t ovun t,b.ic in tic lig n..,o ini'orma.-tion is