Travels Through Asia

In 1960, with the end of the US election, Beverly Keever (née Deepe) began to look for the next step in her career. She had long been interested in travelling to Asia, so she convinced a friend to take a year-long journey through Asia with her. When her friend dropped out of the plan last minute, Keever decided to go alone and write articles about her travels. The Associated Press (AP) agreed to run some of the stories, and she decided to sell any other stories she wrote along the way.

Life in Tokyo

Beverly Keever’s (née Deepe) first stop on her journey through Asia was Japan. She arrived in Tokyo in April 1961 and quickly got a night job teaching English to university students and translators. Through discussions with her students and by hiring translators, she began writing about politics, the university system, coffee shops, jazz music’s popularity, geishas, and life in Tokyo. Many of these pieces were never published and only appeared in Keever’s letters home to her parents and sister, Joanie Deepe.

The May 16 Coup D’état

In May 1961, Beverly Keever (née Deepe) arrived in South Korea. She spent a week in Seoul interviewing people about US aid and the Korean economy. Then she headed South to rural Cheongju and Busan to see some of the US-aid-funded projects. However, upon hearing about the start of the May 16 military coup d’état, she quickly returned to Seoul. The coup saw the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Chang Myon and President Yun Posun and their replacement with the reformist military Supreme Council for National Reconstruction, led by Park Chung-hee. Keever focused on public opinion and noted there seemed to be deep support for the military in Seoul, although there were already concerns about what the coup would mean for civil liberties and democracy in South Korea. Keever wrote six articles for the AP while in Korea.

Shanghai Through a Porthole

Shanghai was the next stop in Beverly Keever’s (née Deepe) tour of Asia, but upon arriving in Shanghai, she was told as a U.S. citizen, she could not leave her ship. Undeterred, Keever went about interviewing the sailors on her ship about their experiences onshore and she took meticulous notes on everything she saw out of her small porthole. At the time, even this limited view into China was rare in the American Press, so the AP published her story.

Singapore and Hong Kong’s Opium Addicts

Beverly Keever’s (née Deepe) ship went on to Singapore and there AP-staffer Hal McClure suggested she write about Singapore’s opium and heroin smuggling problem. She talked with customs agents and police there, and then followed the story on to Hong Kong. There she visited Tai Lam Prison, which had the aim of rehabilitating opium addicts. She interviewed prison guards, the prison doctor, and some of the prisoners.  In Hong Kong, Keever also met with narcotics police and went on a raid of an opium den. She later visited an opium den secretly with an addict. Keever wrote several articles based on this research, which were published by the AP.

Island Nations

Beverly Keever (née Deepe) continued to travel through Asia until the end of 1961. She visited the Malaysian and Indonesian sides of Borneo Island, Macau, Brunei, and briefly returned to Hong Kong. Keever was particularly interested in the way that tradition and western modernization coexisted in the lives of the people in the region. She also documented the Chinese diaspora that saw Chinese citizens move into the small islands off China’s coast.

Onward to Vietnam

At the end of 1961, Beverly Keever heard reports that the military and political situation in Vietnam was deteriorating and that there were few Western reporters there. Keever decided to catch a boat from Hong Kong to Saigon, and she arrived in Saigon in February, 1962. Keever had originally planned on being in Saigon for two weeks and to travel on through Cambodia, Laos, Burma [Myanmar], Pakistan, India, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Nepal, and Afghanistan. However, as the United States became increasingly involved in Vietnam, she decided to stay longer. Keever would stay in Vietnam until 1968.

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