
Part of Article about anti-Communist war effort in South Vietnam

extracted text



Baverly Deepe

101 Cong Ly

SAIOON--Ten months ago,


or·ts:rn diplomat described the

anti-CoI!l!:1unist mr in l'ietnam as "a ship vd th all the sails fla:p:ping,


not going A11YWha1•e. �1
" c P et!'3,s c.nd sit,n.ii'icant
'J'�off.r-n�ter !I t"' o nil tn.ry co.:!t' d

ex l�0c1., 11!fow -�ho ship
Oommuniot' ;_:-"11:n"J--the came dir,lom::1t s
is si11king."


montht", the Commur.dstz in1 Viot _na:.i. have been
the help o:r Co

getting strong-er mili'taril�

Rad China and North Viatnemr--a.ri.d poli tioall;1-w:l. th the


"We're locing st�ategica.lly in Southeast Asia,"
dipllaat groaned._

"And we•re losing taotioally in South Viet Bem."

During the current r� rainy season,

the gloom,;

which, continues until

high-ranking Vietnamese offioers (informatively onl7-prima minister

General !JSU7en Xhonh)

oonoeded the pro-Com,unist guerrillas

......_S� �

have the oapa.bill tJ'­

and the intentions-of' e•�g ovarrunning�of the 43 proVinoie.l oapiitals
1n the oountrY,.

And they have the oapability of regimental-oontrollledl

a de:f::l.nita inoreaee in the scope of the war,x

in which th�

previous largest operating unit was a battalion.
Reliable sources indicate that the pro-Communist guerrillas
are now moving battalions from the lower •ekong Dleta Dellta-whioh they now believe
they dominate-to seven oruoiall pro'Vinoee

forming an arc,, south o� Saigon. ( See

enclosed map.)







TJlll".00 se

cf these troop movements is· neithor military attaaks

� nor increased'. terrorism 1n Sa:i.gon•
climate in Saigon. C



Si:x: months a,eo

now they•re strong enough to



"developing¢ the politioal

·thdr poll t:l.oal ::dm1 was ncutraliSDl}

expect abooluto accomodatiom to whatever they,

wish to dictate."
Reliable souroes l'llllll!llllll!mm. bollevo it will not be d.ifficul t.
:tor tho fO!llntmists to establish this politioal climate i17�igont

there is

@..lreedy increasing fear of politioal assassinations among high-ranking
governme nt of'ficials and milite.nt ant:J.-Corrimunists.
busin-ess oonmnmi ty elrendy renlects mo:r

fll.a1e Ohiness and lndian­

:f'en:r. o:f -'che growing uncertaiutn

yo'llllg me.r:ried ooun]es t1re A.ttllffl'pting to serap r!;ogcthar the money to


blaok-mark�t French ei tizen�hip pap ors or to cm'llf,·e;le their children a.gross the
Cambodian horder.

Erl t :permits nre ines,,;;�

"There1 s � orieis in· confidence;
the government side,"

inoroaoincly prized..

a cris�a in lead.crship oni

a ViP.tnrunesa businessman explained.

government poei tion has steadily .. ,

The Vietnamese

EW<>ded "and will eventually

be swept�e wham the plug i.s pul1ed out of the bathtub drain,"
foreign observer explained.
among themsel..'Ves;




The genernla i:rl. thin the mill ta.ry junta are fighting

olltiee.l parties are agitati� more powe:n.· and


Catholics and Buddhists are demonstrations wbiolh

undormine the strength of the governmerrt.
where the guts of the we,: is oentere4,,
has yi3 Im continually aa5ged,
'Unw:l.lline;nes� �� £ight


In the �1111111-a��M:Was


the ilJ.-ale morale o'f government troops

ing bringing ino� v·


!he one rs::r of hope is

rmlulu oon:l'erenoe � of

high-ranking .Arnerioans--Secretary of State�Rusk and Defense SeoretarYi
Robert S.. Jlonamara--would result in "a policy of action rather.-tha n
But as the days pasfi,


the American oommund.ty itself-also fraught w.l. th, its

lack of leadership and �

growing bu.stations and fa

faotionali sm-

is reaching 1 ts lowest point of depression, since 15,000 •�' ad.visors
w _ere conmd. tted here two years ago.

Observers here l:'eady concede/ that the

three dramatic alternatives facing �fA14:e:r1caJ/f.polioy makers are equal]}y

Wl. thdrawil',

expansion of the war by bombing North Viet Nam11

oomnrl. tting American fighting troops.
In short•

the walifx: political-military war is desperate.

The question is whether it is hope:tsss.
"I've seen alot worse s1 tuations than th1s,"
diplomat conceded.

"I was in Burma when we held only the suburbs around

Rangoon+-and had seven itr:surgencies
almost had it won.. •• and then we had e.


�� 0tAJJ.t )�� Pive years later, we
;; by, pro-Pek1ng1ies and lost 1 t."

prinoipeli. source for this is Col. Serong,

training team.

the Western

head of the Australiam

He's one of the few who know so much of what' e going om

in the country-and is courageous enough to sq it..

Obviously fJ

he can't be

quoted by name or by country, since there• s such a small!. mmnunity of
tor &1 :a:-:
this is !fOT' � wan wantt
Australia ns here..
Let me know
�tiole and I,/!!-

7'7 A;'

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