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Digital Object Identifier
Ky Loyalists Under Attack in Da Nang; Ky Loyalists Held in Da Nang Jails
Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about violence done by Buddhist militants towards civilian supporters of Prime Minister Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, pages 1 and 20
undated, approximately 1965-1966
Nguyễn, Cao Kỳ, 1930-2011; Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Protest movements--Vietnam (Republic); Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Religious aspects--Buddhism; Buddhism and politics--Vietnam (Republic); Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Atrocities; Terrorism; Civilians in war
Saigon, South Vietnam
10.8231; 106.6311
B4, F6
newspaper clippings
Collection Number
MS 363
Collection Title
Beverly Deepe Keever, Journalism Papers
Keever, Beverly Deepe
Copyright Information
These images are for educational use only. To inquire about usage or publication, please contact Archives & Special Collections.
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
extracted text
Ky Loyalists
Under Attack In Da Nang
By Beverly Deepe
A Special Correspondent
At least 22 civilian South Vietnamese loyal to
the government have been taken political prisoners in
Da Nang by the Buddhist-backed self-styled struggle
committees. In the last week, they were intimidated.
·some were beaten. One was wounded li;i the leg. They
included a province chief, a district chief, and a number of civil servants.
And yesterday, ln a town outside Da Nang, eight
pro-government civilians were reported murdered by
the Viet Cong.
The Communist Viet Cong apparently were seeking to exploit an opportunity to irritate further the
current political crisis.
But the Da Nang anti-government action groups
are ostensibly anti-Communists with grievances only
against the military junta headed by Premier Nguyen.
Cao Ky.
Vietnamese government officials In Saigon believe
the new wave of political intimidation by the struggle
committees is Communi~t-influenced, if not actually
directed by the Reds. These officials contend that
even though any number o! non-Communists have
joined the demonstrations, they are tools of the Reds.
The last vestiges of anti-Communist, pro-Saigon
strength among government administrators, civil
servants, and military officers ln the northern provinces are being eroded by this wave of persuasion
and terror, the Saigon sources say. The result is a
power vacuum in the support areas behind some
50,000 U. S. Marines who are based near Da Nang and
behind a key rural pacification program.
"The whole American community in Da Nang
ls ln a state o! distress," an American official said.
"They don't know where this is going to leadand certainly the political turbulence is not going
to stop. This last month of disorder has set back by
slx months the pacification program in the northern
provinces," he asserted.
Responsible diplomatic sources believe the nuclei
o! the struggle committees comprise the same groun
that led the so-called national salvation committee·s
in August and September, 1964, ;when violent demonstrations reduced a number of South Vietnamese
cities to anarchy.
In the northern provinces, those committees
burn_ed houses and shops of Catholic merchants and
publicly hanged a Vietnamese anti-Communist from
More on KY LOYALISTS-P. 20
W a ...
l( y Loyalists Held
In Da Nang Jails
(Continued from page one)
a tree. American officials then privately called the
national salvation committees Communist-inspired,
but thus far they have not so condemned the current
Da Nang, 380 miles north of Saigon, with a population of about 165,000, is the second largest city
in South Viet Nam and a center of Buddhist strength
and fervor for independence. Two weeks ago, Premier
Ky said it was "in Communist ha1:)ds" and began
to move Vietnamese Marines against the dissidents
there, but later pulled them back and apologized
for the slur.
But among Western and Vietnamese officials
concerned with the nation's stability, "the terror of
the saffron robes" in Da Nang-named after the
traditional habit of Buddhist monks-is considered
as destructive as the wave of political .assassinations
and terrorism by the Viet Cong.
Yesterday, about 3,000 chanting, shouting antigl.')vernment demonstrators marched through the
streets of Da Nang demanding the immediate ouster
of Premier Ky and the nine other members of the
junta. A speaker at the protest rally burned a copy
of a decree issued by the government Thursday
promising election of a civilian government within
three to five months. Lt. GeI).. Nguyen Chanh Thi
and Da Nang Mayor Nguyen Van Man, prestigious
leaders in the dissident northern provinces of which
Da Nang is the largest city, stood on the rally's sidelines, giving tacit approval. Many of the demonstrators
were civil servants.
Another 3,00'0 demonstrator5--r-3,000 Catholic
refugees- snarled traffic on a highway 15 miles north
of Saigon to express their opposition to Buddhist
"We are not opposed to Ky," said Nguyen Quoc
Binh, a leader of the central committee of the Greater
Union Force, a Catholic group which organized the
demonstration on the Bien Hoa highway. "But we are
opposed to his inability to keep order in the city, O!
course we are for an elected government, but not one
infiltrated by the Communists."
In Saigon yesterday, Chu Van Binh, editor and
publisher of the newspaper Song, was shot and critically wounded. Although his assailant escaped, a
high-ranking police official said "it was a natural
for the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong had two reasons
for striking-they could get rid of a nationalist and at
the same time keep the situation agitated."
Mr. Binh had editorially denounced the anti-go~ernment and anti-American demonstrators in
Saigon last week as hooligans. His paper subsequently
was sacked and looted by demonstrators.
The e~ect of such incidents, and the campaigns
they constitute, can be seen in the north.
!n the 300 square miles protected by u. s.
Mannes around Da Nang, some of the pro-Saigon
village chiefs fled when they heard about the seizure
by the struggle committees of a neighboring district
"Whil~ the pro-~uddhist committees are seizing
Saigon-oriented officials from within the governmEnt
ranks," an American official said. "the Com1111mi s t
guert'illas step up their terr0ri sn1 r i,rh t, o,1 1 .,,1 ~ n1,
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northern 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
provinces 1:0,0,0,0
which 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
directed 1:0,0,0,0
reds. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
these 1:0,0,0,0
contend 1:0,0,0,0
that 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
city, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
stood 1:0,0,0,0
on 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rally's 1:0,0,0,0
side- 1:0,0,0,0
even 1:0,0,0,0
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number 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
o! 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
non-communists 1:0,0,0,0
lines, 1:0,0,0,0
giving 1:0,0,0,0
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approval. 1:0,0,0,0
many 1:0,0,0,0
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demonstrations, 1:0,0,0,0
tools 1:0,0,0,0
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pro-saigon 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
another 1:0,0,0,0
3,00'0 1:0,0,0,0
demonstrator5--r-3,000 1:0,0,0,0
catholic 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
administrators, 1:0,0,0,0
refugees- 1:0,0,0,0
snarled 1:0,0,0,0
traffic 1:0,0,0,0
highway 1:0,0,0,0
15 1:0,0,0,0
servants, 1:0,0,0,0
officers 1:0,0,0,0
prov- 1:0,0,0,0
express 1:0,0,0,0
their 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
opposition 1:0,0,0,0
inces 1:0,0,0,0
being 1:0,0,0,0
eroded 1:0,0,0,0
this 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
persuasion 1:0,0,0,0
rallies. 1:0,0,0,0
terror, 1:0,0,0,0
sources 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
say. 1:0,0,0,0
result 1:0,0,0,0
"we 1:0,0,0,0
opposed 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ky," 1:0,0,0,0
quoc 1:0,0,0,0
power 1:0,0,0,0
vacuum 1:0,0,0,0
support 1:0,0,0,0
areas 1:0,0,0,0
behind 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
some 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
binh, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
leader 1:0,0,0,0
central 1:0,0,0,0
committee 1:0,0,0,0
greater 1:0,0,0,0
50,000 1:0,0,0,0
u. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
s. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
who 1:0,0,0,0
based 1:0,0,0,0
near 1:0,0,0,0
union 1:0,0,0,0
force, 1:0,0,0,0
group 1:0,0,0,0
organized 1:0,0,0,0
key 1:0,0,0,0
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program. 1:0,0,0,0
demonstration 1:0,0,0,0
bien 1:0,0,0,0
hoa 1:0,0,0,0
highway. 1:0,0,0,0
"but 1:0,0,0,0
we 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
whole 1:0,0,0,0
community 1:0,0,0,0
his 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
inability 1:0,0,0,0
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order 1:0,0,0,0
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state 1:0,0,0,0
distress," 1:0,0,0,0
official 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
said. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
course 1:0,0,0,0
elected 1:0,0,0,0
government, 1:0,0,0,0
"they 1:0,0,0,0
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know 1:0,0,0,0
where 1:0,0,0,0
going 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
lead- 1:0,0,0,0
certainly 1:0,0,0,0
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infiltrated 1:0,0,0,0
communists." 1:0,0,0,0
stop. 1:0,0,0,0
month 1:0,0,0,0
disorder 1:0,0,0,0
has 1:0,0,0,0
set 1:0,0,0,0
chu 1:0,0,0,0
editor 1:0,0,0,0
slx 1:0,0,0,0
months 1:0,0,0,0
program 1:0,0,0,0
publisher 1:0,0,0,0
newspaper 1:0,0,0,0
song, 1:0,0,0,0
shot 1:0,0,0,0
crit- 1:0,0,0,0
provinces," 1:0,0,0,0
he 1:0,0,0,0
asserted. 1:0,0,0,0
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although 1:0,0,0,0
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responsible 1:0,0,0,0
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high-ranking 1:0,0,0,0
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"it 1:0,0,0,0
natural 1:0,0,0,0
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groun 1:0,0,0,0
had 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
reasons 1:0,0,0,0
led 1:0,0,0,0
so-called 1:0,0,0,0
committee.s 1:0,0,0,0
striking-they 1:0,0,0,0
could 1:0,0,0,0
get 1:0,0,0,0
rid 1:0,0,0,0
nationalist 1:0,0,0,0
august 1:0,0,0,0
september, 1:0,0,0,0
1964, 1:0,0,0,0
;when 1:0,0,0,0
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time 1:0,0,0,0
situation 1:0,0,0,0
agitated." 1:0,0,0,0
strations 1:0,0,0,0
reduced 1:0,0,0,0
mr. 1:0,0,0,0
binh 1:0,0,0,0
editorially 1:0,0,0,0
denounced 1:0,0,0,0
anti-- 1:0,0,0,0
cities 1:0,0,0,0
anarchy. 1:0,0,0,0
go~ernment 1:0,0,0,0
anti-american 1:0,0,0,0
provinces, 1:0,0,0,0
those 1:0,0,0,0
week 1:0,0,0,0
hooligans. 1:0,0,0,0
paper 1:0,0,0,0
subsequently 1:0,0,0,0
burn_ed 1:0,0,0,0
houses 1:0,0,0,0
shops 1:0,0,0,0
merchants 1:0,0,0,0
sacked 1:0,0,0,0
looted 1:0,0,0,0
publicly 1:0,0,0,0
hanged 1:0,0,0,0
anti-communist 1:0,0,0,0
e~ect 1:0,0,0,0
such 1:0,0,0,0
incidents, 1:0,0,0,0
campaigns 1:0,0,0,0
constitute, 1:0,0,0,0
can 1:0,0,0,0
be 1:0,0,0,0
seen 1:0,0,0,0
north. 1:0,0,0,0
more 1:0,0,0,0
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20 1:0,0,0,0
!n 1:0,0,0,0
300 1:0,0,0,0
square 1:0,0,0,0
protected 1:0,0,0,0
mannes 1:0,0,0,0
around 1:0,0,0,0
chiefs 1:0,0,0,0
fled 1:0,0,0,0
when 1:0,0,0,0
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ehief. 1:0,0,0,0
"whil~ 1:0,0,0,0
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Ky Loyalists
Under Attack In Da Nang
By Beverly Deepe
A Special Correspondent
At least 22 civilian South Vietnamese loyal to
the government have been taken political prisoners in
Da Nang by the Buddhist-backed self-styled struggle
committees. In the last week, they were intimidated.
·some were beaten. One was wounded li;i the leg. They
included a province chief, a district chief, and a number of civil servants.
And yesterday, ln a town outside Da Nang, eight
pro-government civilians were reported murdered by
the Viet Cong.
The Communist Viet Cong apparently were seeking to exploit an opportunity to irritate further the
current political crisis.
But the Da Nang anti-government action groups
are ostensibly anti-Communists with grievances only
against the military junta headed by Premier Nguyen.
Cao Ky.
Vietnamese government officials In Saigon believe
the new wave of political intimidation by the struggle
committees is Communi~t-influenced, if not actually
directed by the Reds. These officials contend that
even though any number o! non-Communists have
joined the demonstrations, they are tools of the Reds.
The last vestiges of anti-Communist, pro-Saigon
strength among government administrators, civil
servants, and military officers ln the northern provinces are being eroded by this wave of persuasion
and terror, the Saigon sources say. The result is a
power vacuum in the support areas behind some
50,000 U. S. Marines who are based near Da Nang and
behind a key rural pacification program.
"The whole American community in Da Nang
ls ln a state o! distress," an American official said.
"They don't know where this is going to leadand certainly the political turbulence is not going
to stop. This last month of disorder has set back by
slx months the pacification program in the northern
provinces," he asserted.
Responsible diplomatic sources believe the nuclei
o! the struggle committees comprise the same groun
that led the so-called national salvation committee·s
in August and September, 1964, ;when violent demonstrations reduced a number of South Vietnamese
cities to anarchy.
In the northern provinces, those committees
burn_ed houses and shops of Catholic merchants and
publicly hanged a Vietnamese anti-Communist from
More on KY LOYALISTS-P. 20
W a ...
l( y Loyalists Held
In Da Nang Jails
(Continued from page one)
a tree. American officials then privately called the
national salvation committees Communist-inspired,
but thus far they have not so condemned the current
Da Nang, 380 miles north of Saigon, with a population of about 165,000, is the second largest city
in South Viet Nam and a center of Buddhist strength
and fervor for independence. Two weeks ago, Premier
Ky said it was "in Communist ha1:)ds" and began
to move Vietnamese Marines against the dissidents
there, but later pulled them back and apologized
for the slur.
But among Western and Vietnamese officials
concerned with the nation's stability, "the terror of
the saffron robes" in Da Nang-named after the
traditional habit of Buddhist monks-is considered
as destructive as the wave of political .assassinations
and terrorism by the Viet Cong.
Yesterday, about 3,000 chanting, shouting antigl.')vernment demonstrators marched through the
streets of Da Nang demanding the immediate ouster
of Premier Ky and the nine other members of the
junta. A speaker at the protest rally burned a copy
of a decree issued by the government Thursday
promising election of a civilian government within
three to five months. Lt. GeI).. Nguyen Chanh Thi
and Da Nang Mayor Nguyen Van Man, prestigious
leaders in the dissident northern provinces of which
Da Nang is the largest city, stood on the rally's sidelines, giving tacit approval. Many of the demonstrators
were civil servants.
Another 3,00'0 demonstrator5--r-3,000 Catholic
refugees- snarled traffic on a highway 15 miles north
of Saigon to express their opposition to Buddhist
"We are not opposed to Ky," said Nguyen Quoc
Binh, a leader of the central committee of the Greater
Union Force, a Catholic group which organized the
demonstration on the Bien Hoa highway. "But we are
opposed to his inability to keep order in the city, O!
course we are for an elected government, but not one
infiltrated by the Communists."
In Saigon yesterday, Chu Van Binh, editor and
publisher of the newspaper Song, was shot and critically wounded. Although his assailant escaped, a
high-ranking police official said "it was a natural
for the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong had two reasons
for striking-they could get rid of a nationalist and at
the same time keep the situation agitated."
Mr. Binh had editorially denounced the anti-go~ernment and anti-American demonstrators in
Saigon last week as hooligans. His paper subsequently
was sacked and looted by demonstrators.
The e~ect of such incidents, and the campaigns
they constitute, can be seen in the north.
!n the 300 square miles protected by u. s.
Mannes around Da Nang, some of the pro-Saigon
village chiefs fled when they heard about the seizure
by the struggle committees of a neighboring district
"Whil~ the pro-~uddhist committees are seizing
Saigon-oriented officials from within the governmEnt
ranks," an American official said. "the Com1111mi s t
guert'illas step up their terr0ri sn1 r i,rh t, o,1 1 .,,1 ~ n1,
w 1:0,-0,0,0
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- 1:0,0,0,0
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communist-inspired, 1:0,0,0,0
but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
thus 1:0,0,0,0
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demonstrators. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nang, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
380 1:0,0,0,0
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viet 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nam 1:0,0,0,0
and 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
center 1:0,0,0,0
buddhist 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
strength 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
saigon. 1:0,0,0,0
fervor 1:0,0,0,0
for 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
independence. 1:0,0,0,0
two 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
weeks 1:0,0,0,0
ago, 1:0,0,0,0
premier 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
at 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
least 1:0,0,0,0
22 1:0,0,0,0
civilian 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
vietnamese 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
loyal 1:0,0,0,0
to 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
said 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
it 1:0,0,0,0
was 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
"in 1:0,0,0,0
communist 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ha1:)ds" 1:0,0,0,0
began 1:0,0,0,0
government 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
been 1:0,0,0,0
taken 1:0,0,0,0
political 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
prisoners 1:0,0,0,0
move 1:0,0,0,0
marines 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
against 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
dissidents 1:0,0,0,0
buddhist-backed 1:0,0,0,0
self-styled 1:0,0,0,0
struggle 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
there, 1:0,0,0,0
later 1:0,0,0,0
pulled 1:0,0,0,0
them 1:0,0,0,0
back 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
apologized 1:0,0,0,0
committees. 1:0,0,0,0
last 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
week, 1:0,0,0,0
were 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
intimidated. 1:0,0,0,0
slur. 1:0,0,0,0
.some 1:0,0,0,0
beaten. 1:0,0,0,0
one 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
wounded 1:0,0,0,0
li;i 1:0,0,0,0
leg. 1:0,0,0,0
among 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
western 1:0,0,0,0
included 1:0,0,0,0
province 1:0,0,0,0
chief, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
district 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
num- 1:0,0,0,0
concerned 1:0,0,0,0
nation's 1:0,0,0,0
stability, 1:0,0,0,0
"the 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
terror 1:0,0,0,0
ber 1:0,0,0,0
civil 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
servants. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
saffron 1:0,0,0,0
robes" 1:0,0,0,0
nang-named 1:0,0,0,0
after 1:0,0,0,0
yesterday, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ln 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
town 1:0,0,0,0
outside 1:0,0,0,0
eight 1:0,0,0,0
traditional 1:0,0,0,0
habit 1:0,0,0,0
monks-is 1:0,0,0,0
considered 1:0,0,0,0
pro-government 1:0,0,0,0
civilians 1:0,0,0,0
reported 1:0,0,0,0
murdered 1:0,0,0,0
as 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
destructive 1:0,0,0,0
wave 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
.assassinations 1:0,0,0,0
cong. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
terrorism 1:0,0,0,0
cong 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
apparently 1:0,0,0,0
seek- 1:0,0,0,0
3,000 1:0,0,0,0
chanting, 1:0,0,0,0
shouting 1:0,0,0,0
anti- 1:0,0,0,0
ing 1:0,0,0,0
exploit 1:0,0,0,0
an 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
opportunity 1:0,0,0,0
irritate 1:0,0,0,0
further 1:0,0,0,0
gl.')vernment 1:0,0,0,0
demonstrators 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
marched 1:0,0,0,0
through 1:0,0,0,0
crisis. 1:0,0,0,0
streets 1:0,0,0,0
demanding 1:0,0,0,0
immediate 1:0,0,0,0
ouster 1:0,0,0,0
anti-government 1:0,0,0,0
action 1:0,0,0,0
groups 1:0,0,0,0
nine 1:0,0,0,0
other 1:0,0,0,0
members 1:0,0,0,0
are 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ostensibly 1:0,0,0,0
anti-communists 1:0,0,0,0
grievances 1:0,0,0,0
only 1:0,0,0,0
junta. 1:0,0,0,0
speaker 1:0,0,0,0
protest 1:0,0,0,0
rally 1:0,0,0,0
burned 1:0,0,0,0
copy 1:0,0,0,0
military 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
junta 1:0,0,0,0
headed 1:0,0,0,0
nguyen. 1:0,0,0,0
decree 1:0,0,0,0
issued 1:0,0,0,0
thursday 1:0,0,0,0
cao 1:0,0,0,0
ky. 1:0,0,0,0
promising 1:0,0,0,0
election 1:0,0,0,0
within 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
saigon 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
believe 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
three 1:0,0,0,0
five 1:0,0,0,0
months. 1:0,0,0,0
gei).. 1:0,0,0,0
nguyen 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
chanh 1:0,0,0,0
thi 1:0,0,0,0
lt. 1:0,0,0,0
new 1:0,0,0,0
intimidation 1:0,0,0,0
mayor 1:0,0,0,0
van 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
man, 1:0,0,0,0
prestigious 1:0,0,0,0
communi~t-influenced, 1:0,0,0,0
if 1:0,0,0,0
actually 1:0,0,0,0
leaders 1:0,0,0,0
dissident 1:0,0,0,0
northern 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
provinces 1:0,0,0,0
which 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
directed 1:0,0,0,0
reds. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
these 1:0,0,0,0
contend 1:0,0,0,0
that 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
city, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
stood 1:0,0,0,0
on 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rally's 1:0,0,0,0
side- 1:0,0,0,0
even 1:0,0,0,0
though 1:0,0,0,0
any 1:0,0,0,0
number 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
o! 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
non-communists 1:0,0,0,0
lines, 1:0,0,0,0
giving 1:0,0,0,0
tacit 1:0,0,0,0
approval. 1:0,0,0,0
many 1:0,0,0,0
joined 1:0,0,0,0
demonstrations, 1:0,0,0,0
tools 1:0,0,0,0
vestiges 1:0,0,0,0
anti-communist, 1:0,0,0,0
pro-saigon 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
another 1:0,0,0,0
3,00'0 1:0,0,0,0
demonstrator5--r-3,000 1:0,0,0,0
catholic 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
administrators, 1:0,0,0,0
refugees- 1:0,0,0,0
snarled 1:0,0,0,0
traffic 1:0,0,0,0
highway 1:0,0,0,0
15 1:0,0,0,0
servants, 1:0,0,0,0
officers 1:0,0,0,0
prov- 1:0,0,0,0
express 1:0,0,0,0
their 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
opposition 1:0,0,0,0
inces 1:0,0,0,0
being 1:0,0,0,0
eroded 1:0,0,0,0
this 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
persuasion 1:0,0,0,0
rallies. 1:0,0,0,0
terror, 1:0,0,0,0
sources 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
say. 1:0,0,0,0
result 1:0,0,0,0
"we 1:0,0,0,0
opposed 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ky," 1:0,0,0,0
quoc 1:0,0,0,0
power 1:0,0,0,0
vacuum 1:0,0,0,0
support 1:0,0,0,0
areas 1:0,0,0,0
behind 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
some 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
binh, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
leader 1:0,0,0,0
central 1:0,0,0,0
committee 1:0,0,0,0
greater 1:0,0,0,0
50,000 1:0,0,0,0
u. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
s. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
who 1:0,0,0,0
based 1:0,0,0,0
near 1:0,0,0,0
union 1:0,0,0,0
force, 1:0,0,0,0
group 1:0,0,0,0
organized 1:0,0,0,0
key 1:0,0,0,0
rural 1:0,0,0,0
pacification 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
program. 1:0,0,0,0
demonstration 1:0,0,0,0
bien 1:0,0,0,0
hoa 1:0,0,0,0
highway. 1:0,0,0,0
"but 1:0,0,0,0
we 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
whole 1:0,0,0,0
community 1:0,0,0,0
his 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
inability 1:0,0,0,0
keep 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
order 1:0,0,0,0
ls 1:0,0,0,0
state 1:0,0,0,0
distress," 1:0,0,0,0
official 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
said. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
course 1:0,0,0,0
elected 1:0,0,0,0
government, 1:0,0,0,0
"they 1:0,0,0,0
don't 1:0,0,0,0
know 1:0,0,0,0
where 1:0,0,0,0
going 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
lead- 1:0,0,0,0
certainly 1:0,0,0,0
turbulence 1:0,0,0,0
infiltrated 1:0,0,0,0
communists." 1:0,0,0,0
stop. 1:0,0,0,0
month 1:0,0,0,0
disorder 1:0,0,0,0
has 1:0,0,0,0
set 1:0,0,0,0
chu 1:0,0,0,0
editor 1:0,0,0,0
slx 1:0,0,0,0
months 1:0,0,0,0
program 1:0,0,0,0
publisher 1:0,0,0,0
newspaper 1:0,0,0,0
song, 1:0,0,0,0
shot 1:0,0,0,0
crit- 1:0,0,0,0
provinces," 1:0,0,0,0
he 1:0,0,0,0
asserted. 1:0,0,0,0
ically 1:0,0,0,0
wounded. 1:0,0,0,0
although 1:0,0,0,0
assailant 1:0,0,0,0
escaped, 1:0,0,0,0
responsible 1:0,0,0,0
diplomatic 1:0,0,0,0
nuclei 1:0,0,0,0
high-ranking 1:0,0,0,0
police 1:0,0,0,0
"it 1:0,0,0,0
natural 1:0,0,0,0
comprise 1:0,0,0,0
same 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
groun 1:0,0,0,0
had 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
reasons 1:0,0,0,0
led 1:0,0,0,0
so-called 1:0,0,0,0
committee.s 1:0,0,0,0
striking-they 1:0,0,0,0
could 1:0,0,0,0
get 1:0,0,0,0
rid 1:0,0,0,0
nationalist 1:0,0,0,0
august 1:0,0,0,0
september, 1:0,0,0,0
1964, 1:0,0,0,0
;when 1:0,0,0,0
violent 1:0,0,0,0
demon- 1:0,0,0,0
time 1:0,0,0,0
situation 1:0,0,0,0
agitated." 1:0,0,0,0
strations 1:0,0,0,0
reduced 1:0,0,0,0
mr. 1:0,0,0,0
binh 1:0,0,0,0
editorially 1:0,0,0,0
denounced 1:0,0,0,0
anti-- 1:0,0,0,0
cities 1:0,0,0,0
anarchy. 1:0,0,0,0
go~ernment 1:0,0,0,0
anti-american 1:0,0,0,0
provinces, 1:0,0,0,0
those 1:0,0,0,0
week 1:0,0,0,0
hooligans. 1:0,0,0,0
paper 1:0,0,0,0
subsequently 1:0,0,0,0
burn_ed 1:0,0,0,0
houses 1:0,0,0,0
shops 1:0,0,0,0
merchants 1:0,0,0,0
sacked 1:0,0,0,0
looted 1:0,0,0,0
publicly 1:0,0,0,0
hanged 1:0,0,0,0
anti-communist 1:0,0,0,0
e~ect 1:0,0,0,0
such 1:0,0,0,0
incidents, 1:0,0,0,0
campaigns 1:0,0,0,0
constitute, 1:0,0,0,0
can 1:0,0,0,0
be 1:0,0,0,0
seen 1:0,0,0,0
north. 1:0,0,0,0
more 1:0,0,0,0
loyalists-p. 1:0,0,0,0
20 1:0,0,0,0
!n 1:0,0,0,0
300 1:0,0,0,0
square 1:0,0,0,0
protected 1:0,0,0,0
mannes 1:0,0,0,0
around 1:0,0,0,0
chiefs 1:0,0,0,0
fled 1:0,0,0,0
when 1:0,0,0,0
heard 1:0,0,0,0
seizure 1:0,0,0,0
village 1:0,0,0,0
neighboring 1:0,0,0,0
ehief. 1:0,0,0,0
"whil~ 1:0,0,0,0
pro-~uddhist 1:0,0,0,0
seizing 1:0,0,0,0
saigon-oriented 1:0,0,0,0
ranks," 1:0,0,0,0
com1111mi 1:0,0,0,0
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