Reds Aren't Sole Problem in Viet


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Reds Aren't Sole Problem in Viet
Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about the increasing threat of Montagnard militias as the US and allies begin to fight in highland areas, page unknown
1965, Oct. 10
Montagnard (Vietnamese people); Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns--Central Highlands; Strategy; United States. Army
Saigon, South Vietnam
10.8231; 106.6311
B4, F6
newspaper clippings
Collection Number
MS 363
Collection Title
Beverly Deepe Keever, Journalism Papers
Keever, Beverly Deepe
Copyright Information
These images are for educational use only. To inquire about usage or publication, please contact Archives & Special Collections.
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
extracted text
Reds 'Aren't Sole
Problem in Viet

rly Dee; e '-.

( o,°;h• ~::~; Tribune Staff


High Vietnamese officers
fear an American political
t ake-over in the strategic
plateau , bordering Laos following the recent arrival of
the 15,000 1st Air Cavalry
As the Americans ·dramatically expanded their military
power in the strategic high'land area, the military contest
!mmediately was set between
the division, supported _by
Vietnamese government forces,
and the Communist Viet Cong
who use the jungled highlands
as militar:v bases and infiltrat10n routes from North: Viet
However, a t hird paramilitary force exists-the indigenous Montagnards, who
have ibeen trained , equipped
and fiinanced by the American Special Forces.
A year ago some of these
Montagnard tribesmen mutinied in five military camps
against their Vietnamese superiors, massacred 31 Vietnamese and established a dissident political movement
called- the Unified Front for
th,e Liberation of the Oppressed Race .
Vietnamese officials threatened to bomb their own tribal
t roops, and the dissident
movement was temporarily ·
quiet until last month, when
two Vietnamese Marine Bat talions encircled 300 of the
armed Montagnard dissidents
a nd forced their surrender.
Two of the dissident units,
h owever, evaded encirclement

and is forcing the· Montagnards into the hands of the
The Montagnards have been
a sore point between the Vietnamese governme.nt and American officials since the Americans first proposed training
and equipping them in 1962 .
President Ngo Dinh Diem
refused to allow the arming
of the Montagnards, even to
fi ght the Communists coming
across the Ho Chi Minh infiltration routes, fearing that
one day the Montagnards ,
would rebel against his central ]
government. Eventually he reluctantly allowed t he American Special F orces to train
them, but kept personal watch
on the program and his Vietnamese Special Forces commanders, working with the
Americans, reported directly
to him. Less than a year after
President Diem's fall and
murder in November, 1963,
the Montagn:ard rebel movement he feared was already
r evolting against the new Saigon government.


Reliable observers indicate
that the introduction of the
elite, mobile American division
into the highlands is n ot
enough. Without adequate political controls, the American
combat division mlgpt defeat
t he Viet Cong hard-core battalions and r egiments and
t hen }ose the tribal populat ion to t he Communists because of dissatisfaction with
t he Vietnamese government.
In a move to increase its
control in the highlands, the
u. s . milit ary command in
a , -~Jax:;;e_
----6-iris'on a.npmw,ed ~ ~ i ;u ot
This year the name of t he t he formation of Task F orce
dissident ·' moveinent
was Alpha, which has since been
changed fro m the Liberation made a corps headquarters
of the Oppressed Ra ce - a and renamed headquarters,
Communist-sounding nameF ield Forces. It would comto Struggle for the Oppressed mand American military op Race.
eratlons while the Vietnamese
corps commander in t he area
would command Vietnamese
operations. Accor ding to r eliThe question arose whether able sources, part of the plan
the Americans would expand also calls for the Vietnamese
their political power as well commander, Brig. Gen. Vinh
as military-to gain increas- Loe, to move his headquarters
ing control over the Monta- from t he highlands to the
coastal plains. He has refused
Vietnamese officials during to do so, privately charging '
the past year have charged t hat the Ame1icans are grabt hat the Americans are trying bing control of his area.
to seize political control of
the Montagnards and m111tary command of the highlands, squeezing the Saigon
The h ighlands are a famous
government off t he plateau rout for opium smuggling,
and shrinking the authority which has traditionally proof the Vietnamese command- vided sizable chunks of illegal
income for a number of Vietnamese government and miliThe Montagnards, who for tary officials. If Vietnamese
years have hated the Viet- officials are pushed off the
namese, are friendly t o t he highlands rthey will lose this
American troops and the source of income.
French -plantation owners One Vietnamese governand Catholic missionaries,
who wield a great deal of ment official, speaking priFrench cultural and -economic vately, admitted the Vietinfluence over the primitive namese government h as taken
inadequate steps to satisfy the
The Vietnamese govern- demands of t he Montagnard
ment charges, dating back t o population, but insisted that
last year's rebellion, indicated the Americans should work
that the Americans and t he through the Saigon governFrench are inciting the move- ment, rather t han seizing diment to increase its demands rect political control.
upon the Vietnamese governReliaible observers indicate
ment, such as appointment that the short-term interests
of ·Montagnard commanders of the Americans and t he
for Montagnard irregular F rench run parallel in having
units. It also asks for Mon- the Communists as a motagnard province chiefs and .mentary common enemy for
wants a high-ranking Mon- the American troops would
tagnard to be included in the protect the French economic
Saigon administration.
interests in the highlands as
The Americans, speaking the Viet Cong were pushed
officially, hotly deny this; a back. The French would no
few, speaking in private, ad- lnng'er have to pay taxes to
mit they eventually will take t he Viet Cong. And some of
direct control of t he Monta- t he French who have fled t he
gnards because t he Vietnamese insecw-e highlands would be
government is unwilling or un- able to r et urn to manage their
a bl~ to meet their demands, plantations.

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, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
15,000 1:0,0,0,0
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diem 1:0,0,0,0
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even 1:0,0,0,0
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_by 1:0,0,0,0
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] 1:0,0,0,0
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eventually 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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use 1:0,0,0,0
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but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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with 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
however, 1:0,0,0,0
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para- 1:0,0,0,0
americans, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
reported 1:0,0,0,0
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in- 1:0,0,0,0
him. 1:0,0,0,0
less 1:0,0,0,0
than 1:0,0,0,0
year 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
after 1:0,0,0,0
digenous 1:0,0,0,0
diem's 1:0,0,0,0
fall 1:0,0,0,0
ibeen 1:0,0,0,0
trained 1:0,0,0,0
equipped 1:0,0,0,0
murder 1:0,0,0,0
november, 1:0,0,0,0
1963, 1:0,0,0,0
fiinanced 1:0,0,0,0
by 1:0,0,0,0
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move- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
forces. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ment 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
feared 1:0,0,0,0
already 1:0,0,0,0
ago 1:0,0,0,0
some 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
these 1:0,0,0,0
r 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
evolting 1:0,0,0,0
new 1:0,0,0,0
sai- 1:0,0,0,0
montagnard 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
tribesmen 1:0,0,0,0
mu- 1:0,0,0,0
gon 1:0,0,0,0
tinied 1:0,0,0,0
five 1:0,0,0,0
camps 1:0,0,0,0
su- 1:0,0,0,0
politics 1:0,0,0,0
periors, 1:0,0,0,0
massacred 1:0,0,0,0
31 1:0,0,0,0
established 1:0,0,0,0
dis- 1:0,0,0,0
reliable 1:0,0,0,0
observers 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
indicate 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
sident 1:0,0,0,0
movement 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
introduction 1:0,0,0,0
called- 1:0,0,0,0
unified 1:0,0,0,0
front 1:0,0,0,0
for 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
elite, 1:0,0,0,0
mobile 1:0,0,0,0
division 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
th,e 1:0,0,0,0
liberation 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
op- 1:0,0,0,0
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controls, 1:0,0,0,0
ened 1:0,0,0,0
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dissident 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
hard-core 1:0,0,0,0
bat- 1:0,0,0,0
temporarily 1:0,0,0,0
talions 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
egiments 1:0,0,0,0
quiet 1:0,0,0,0
until 1:0,0,0,0
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month, 1:0,0,0,0
when 1:0,0,0,0
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}ose 1:0,0,0,0
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- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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encircled 1:0,0,0,0
300 1:0,0,0,0
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dissatisfaction 1:0,0,0,0
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dissidents 1:0,0,0,0
nd 1:0,0,0,0
forced 1:0,0,0,0
surrender. 1:0,0,0,0
move 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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units, 1:0,0,0,0
control 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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m 1:0,0,0,0
made 1:0,0,0,0
corps 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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name- 1:0,0,0,0
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trying 1:0,0,0,0
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tary 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
lands, 1:0,0,0,0
squeezing 1:0,0,0,0
saigon 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ighlands 1:0,0,0,0
famous 1:0,0,0,0
off 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rout 1:0,0,0,0
smuggling, 1:0,0,0,0
shrinking 1:0,0,0,0
authority 1:0,0,0,0
traditionally 1:0,0,0,0
pro- 1:0,0,0,0
command- 1:0,0,0,0
vided 1:0,0,0,0
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income. 1:0,0,0,0
french 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
-plantation 1:0,0,0,0
owners 1:0,0,0,0
govern- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
catholic 1:0,0,0,0
missionaries, 1:0,0,0,0
official, 1:0,0,0,0
speaking 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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cultural 1:0,0,0,0
-economic 1:0,0,0,0
taken 1:0,0,0,0
influence 1:0,0,0,0
primitive 1:0,0,0,0
inadequate 1:0,0,0,0
steps 1:0,0,0,0
satisfy 1:0,0,0,0
tribesmen. 1:0,0,0,0
demands 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
population, 1:0,0,0,0
insisted 1:0,0,0,0
charges, 1:0,0,0,0
dating 1:0,0,0,0
back 1:0,0,0,0
should 1:0,0,0,0
work 1:0,0,0,0
year's 1:0,0,0,0
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indicated 1:0,0,0,0
through 1:0,0,0,0
ment, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rather 1:0,0,0,0
han 1:0,0,0,0
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rect 1:0,0,0,0
control. 1:0,0,0,0
upon 1:0,0,0,0
reliaible 1:0,0,0,0
such 1:0,0,0,0
appointment 1:0,0,0,0
short-term 1:0,0,0,0
interests 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
.montagnard 1:0,0,0,0
commanders 1:0,0,0,0
irregular 1:0,0,0,0
rench 1:0,0,0,0
run 1:0,0,0,0
parallel 1:0,0,0,0
having 1:0,0,0,0
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mon- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
mo- 1:0,0,0,0
tagnard 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
province 1:0,0,0,0
chiefs 1:0,0,0,0
mentary 1:0,0,0,0
common 1:0,0,0,0
enemy 1:0,0,0,0
wants 1:0,0,0,0
high-ranking 1:0,0,0,0
be 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
included 1:0,0,0,0
protect 1:0,0,0,0
economic 1:0,0,0,0
administration. 1:0,0,0,0
were 1:0,0,0,0
back. 1:0,0,0,0
no 1:0,0,0,0
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pay 1:0,0,0,0
taxes 1:0,0,0,0
few, 1:0,0,0,0
private, 1:0,0,0,0
ad- 1:0,0,0,0
cong. 1:0,0,0,0
mit 1:0,0,0,0
they 1:0,0,0,0
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insecw-e 1:0,0,0,0
because 1:0,0,0,0
et 1:0,0,0,0
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manage 1:0,0,0,0
unwilling 1:0,0,0,0
or 1:0,0,0,0
un- 1:0,0,0,0
plantations. 1:0,0,0,0
bl~ 1:0,0,0,0
meet 1:0,0,0,0
demands, 1:0,0,0,0
Reds 'Aren't Sole
Problem in Viet

rly Dee; e '-.

( o,°;h• ~::~; Tribune Staff


High Vietnamese officers
fear an American political
t ake-over in the strategic
plateau , bordering Laos following the recent arrival of
the 15,000 1st Air Cavalry
As the Americans ·dramatically expanded their military
power in the strategic high'land area, the military contest
!mmediately was set between
the division, supported _by
Vietnamese government forces,
and the Communist Viet Cong
who use the jungled highlands
as militar:v bases and infiltrat10n routes from North: Viet
However, a t hird paramilitary force exists-the indigenous Montagnards, who
have ibeen trained , equipped
and fiinanced by the American Special Forces.
A year ago some of these
Montagnard tribesmen mutinied in five military camps
against their Vietnamese superiors, massacred 31 Vietnamese and established a dissident political movement
called- the Unified Front for
th,e Liberation of the Oppressed Race .
Vietnamese officials threatened to bomb their own tribal
t roops, and the dissident
movement was temporarily ·
quiet until last month, when
two Vietnamese Marine Bat talions encircled 300 of the
armed Montagnard dissidents
a nd forced their surrender.
Two of the dissident units,
h owever, evaded encirclement

and is forcing the· Montagnards into the hands of the
The Montagnards have been
a sore point between the Vietnamese governme.nt and American officials since the Americans first proposed training
and equipping them in 1962 .
President Ngo Dinh Diem
refused to allow the arming
of the Montagnards, even to
fi ght the Communists coming
across the Ho Chi Minh infiltration routes, fearing that
one day the Montagnards ,
would rebel against his central ]
government. Eventually he reluctantly allowed t he American Special F orces to train
them, but kept personal watch
on the program and his Vietnamese Special Forces commanders, working with the
Americans, reported directly
to him. Less than a year after
President Diem's fall and
murder in November, 1963,
the Montagn:ard rebel movement he feared was already
r evolting against the new Saigon government.


Reliable observers indicate
that the introduction of the
elite, mobile American division
into the highlands is n ot
enough. Without adequate political controls, the American
combat division mlgpt defeat
t he Viet Cong hard-core battalions and r egiments and
t hen }ose the tribal populat ion to t he Communists because of dissatisfaction with
t he Vietnamese government.
In a move to increase its
control in the highlands, the
u. s . milit ary command in
a , -~Jax:;;e_
----6-iris'on a.npmw,ed ~ ~ i ;u ot
This year the name of t he t he formation of Task F orce
dissident ·' moveinent
was Alpha, which has since been
changed fro m the Liberation made a corps headquarters
of the Oppressed Ra ce - a and renamed headquarters,
Communist-sounding nameF ield Forces. It would comto Struggle for the Oppressed mand American military op Race.
eratlons while the Vietnamese
corps commander in t he area
would command Vietnamese
operations. Accor ding to r eliThe question arose whether able sources, part of the plan
the Americans would expand also calls for the Vietnamese
their political power as well commander, Brig. Gen. Vinh
as military-to gain increas- Loe, to move his headquarters
ing control over the Monta- from t he highlands to the
coastal plains. He has refused
Vietnamese officials during to do so, privately charging '
the past year have charged t hat the Ame1icans are grabt hat the Americans are trying bing control of his area.
to seize political control of
the Montagnards and m111tary command of the highlands, squeezing the Saigon
The h ighlands are a famous
government off t he plateau rout for opium smuggling,
and shrinking the authority which has traditionally proof the Vietnamese command- vided sizable chunks of illegal
income for a number of Vietnamese government and miliThe Montagnards, who for tary officials. If Vietnamese
years have hated the Viet- officials are pushed off the
namese, are friendly t o t he highlands rthey will lose this
American troops and the source of income.
French -plantation owners One Vietnamese governand Catholic missionaries,
who wield a great deal of ment official, speaking priFrench cultural and -economic vately, admitted the Vietinfluence over the primitive namese government h as taken
inadequate steps to satisfy the
The Vietnamese govern- demands of t he Montagnard
ment charges, dating back t o population, but insisted that
last year's rebellion, indicated the Americans should work
that the Americans and t he through the Saigon governFrench are inciting the move- ment, rather t han seizing diment to increase its demands rect political control.
upon the Vietnamese governReliaible observers indicate
ment, such as appointment that the short-term interests
of ·Montagnard commanders of the Americans and t he
for Montagnard irregular F rench run parallel in having
units. It also asks for Mon- the Communists as a motagnard province chiefs and .mentary common enemy for
wants a high-ranking Mon- the American troops would
tagnard to be included in the protect the French economic
Saigon administration.
interests in the highlands as
The Americans, speaking the Viet Cong were pushed
officially, hotly deny this; a back. The French would no
few, speaking in private, ad- lnng'er have to pay taxes to
mit they eventually will take t he Viet Cong. And some of
direct control of t he Monta- t he French who have fled t he
gnards because t he Vietnamese insecw-e highlands would be
government is unwilling or un- able to r et urn to manage their
a bl~ to meet their demands, plantations.

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( 1:0,0,0,0
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hands 1:0,0,0,0
of 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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) 1:0,0,0,0
communists. 1:0,0,0,0
saigon. 1:0,0,0,0
montagnards 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
have 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
been 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
high 1:0,0,0,0
vietnamese 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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point 1:0,0,0,0
between 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
viet- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
fear 1:0,0,0,0
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political 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
namese 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
governme.nt 1:0,0,0,0
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ake-over 1:0,0,0,0
strategic 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ican 1:0,0,0,0
officials 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
since 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ameri- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
plateau 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
bordering 1:0,0,0,0
laos 1:0,0,0,0
fol- 1:0,0,0,0
cans 1:0,0,0,0
first 1:0,0,0,0
proposed 1:0,0,0,0
training 1:0,0,0,0
lowing 1:0,0,0,0
recent 1:0,0,0,0
arrival 1:0,0,0,0
equipping 1:0,0,0,0
them 1:0,0,0,0
1962 1:0,0,0,0
. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
15,000 1:0,0,0,0
1st 1:0,0,0,0
air 1:0,0,0,0
cavalry 1:0,0,0,0
president 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ngo 1:0,0,0,0
dinh 1:0,0,0,0
diem 1:0,0,0,0
division. 1:0,0,0,0
refused 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
to 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
allow 1:0,0,0,0
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americans 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
.dramati- 1:0,0,0,0
montagnards, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
even 1:0,0,0,0
cally 1:0,0,0,0
expanded 1:0,0,0,0
their 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
military 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
fi 1:0,0,0,0
ght 1:0,0,0,0
communists 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
coming 1:0,0,0,0
power 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
high- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
across 1:0,0,0,0
ho 1:0,0,0,0
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infil- 1:0,0,0,0
'land 1:0,0,0,0
area, 1:0,0,0,0
contest 1:0,0,0,0
tration 1:0,0,0,0
routes, 1:0,0,0,0
fearing 1:0,0,0,0
that 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
!mmediately 1:0,0,0,0
was 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
set 1:0,0,0,0
one 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
day 1:0,0,0,0
division, 1:0,0,0,0
supported 1:0,0,0,0
_by 1:0,0,0,0
would 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rebel 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
against 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
his 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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] 1:0,0,0,0
government 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
forces, 1:0,0,0,0
government. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
eventually 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
he 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
re- 1:0,0,0,0
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cong 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
luctantly 1:0,0,0,0
allowed 1:0,0,0,0
who 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
use 1:0,0,0,0
jungled 1:0,0,0,0
highlands 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
can 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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f 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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bases 1:0,0,0,0
infiltra- 1:0,0,0,0
them, 1:0,0,0,0
but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
kept 1:0,0,0,0
personal 1:0,0,0,0
watch 1:0,0,0,0
t10n 1:0,0,0,0
routes 1:0,0,0,0
from 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
north: 1:0,0,0,0
on 1:0,0,0,0
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com- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
manders, 1:0,0,0,0
working 1:0,0,0,0
with 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
however, 1:0,0,0,0
hird 1:0,0,0,0
para- 1:0,0,0,0
americans, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
reported 1:0,0,0,0
directly 1:0,0,0,0
force 1:0,0,0,0
exists-the 1:0,0,0,0
in- 1:0,0,0,0
him. 1:0,0,0,0
less 1:0,0,0,0
than 1:0,0,0,0
year 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
after 1:0,0,0,0
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diem's 1:0,0,0,0
fall 1:0,0,0,0
ibeen 1:0,0,0,0
trained 1:0,0,0,0
equipped 1:0,0,0,0
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november, 1:0,0,0,0
1963, 1:0,0,0,0
fiinanced 1:0,0,0,0
by 1:0,0,0,0
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forces. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ment 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
feared 1:0,0,0,0
already 1:0,0,0,0
ago 1:0,0,0,0
some 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
these 1:0,0,0,0
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sai- 1:0,0,0,0
montagnard 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
tribesmen 1:0,0,0,0
mu- 1:0,0,0,0
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tinied 1:0,0,0,0
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su- 1:0,0,0,0
politics 1:0,0,0,0
periors, 1:0,0,0,0
massacred 1:0,0,0,0
31 1:0,0,0,0
established 1:0,0,0,0
dis- 1:0,0,0,0
reliable 1:0,0,0,0
observers 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
indicate 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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introduction 1:0,0,0,0
called- 1:0,0,0,0
unified 1:0,0,0,0
front 1:0,0,0,0
for 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
elite, 1:0,0,0,0
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liberation 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
op- 1:0,0,0,0
n 1:0,0,0,0
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without 1:0,0,0,0
adequate 1:0,0,0,0
po- 1:0,0,0,0
threat- 1:0,0,0,0
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controls, 1:0,0,0,0
ened 1:0,0,0,0
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own 1:0,0,0,0
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hard-core 1:0,0,0,0
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until 1:0,0,0,0
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month, 1:0,0,0,0
when 1:0,0,0,0
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}ose 1:0,0,0,0
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- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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300 1:0,0,0,0
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armed 1:0,0,0,0
dissidents 1:0,0,0,0
nd 1:0,0,0,0
forced 1:0,0,0,0
surrender. 1:0,0,0,0
move 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
increase 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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units, 1:0,0,0,0
control 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
highlands, 1:0,0,0,0
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encirclement 1:0,0,0,0
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ary 1:0,0,0,0
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which 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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changed 1:0,0,0,0
fro 1:0,0,0,0
m 1:0,0,0,0
made 1:0,0,0,0
corps 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
headquarters 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
oppressed 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ra 1:0,0,0,0
ce 1:0,0,0,0
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headquarters, 1:0,0,0,0
communist-sounding 1:0,0,0,0
name- 1:0,0,0,0
ield 1:0,0,0,0
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race. 1:0,0,0,0
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while 1:0,0,0,0
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sources, 1:0,0,0,0
part 1:0,0,0,0
plan 1:0,0,0,0
question 1:0,0,0,0
arose 1:0,0,0,0
whether 1:0,0,0,0
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over 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
coastal 1:0,0,0,0
plains. 1:0,0,0,0
gnards. 1:0,0,0,0
do 1:0,0,0,0
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catholic 1:0,0,0,0
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