Viet - Measuring An 'Invasion'


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Viet - Measuring An 'Invasion'
Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about the potential infiltration of the South Vietnamese Army by North Vietnam, page 2
1964, Jul. 26
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns--Intellegence; Mặt trận dân tộc giải phóng miền nam Việt Nam; Vietnam (Democratic Republic); Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Campaigns--Vietnam (Democratic Republic)
1st Division Area, South Vietnam
16.4637; 107.5909
B4, F6
newspaper clippings
Collection Number
MS 363
Collection Title
Beverly Deepe Keever, Journalism Papers
Keever, Beverly Deepe
Copyright Information
These images are for educational use only. To inquire about usage or publication, please contact Archives & Special Collections.
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
extracted text
outlr J'ietname1P t('oman captured by army and accrued of carrying food to Viet Con/(.


By Beverly Deepe
A Special Correspondent

1ST DI\'ISION AREA, South Viet Nam .
erious question regarding the credib1!1ty o! an
American m111tary announcement playing down North
Vietnamese troop infiltration south o! the 17th parallel
has been raised by South Vietnamese generals.
The official American statement minimizing reports o!
!nnltrat!on has been sharply contradicted by South Vietnamese officers In the mountainous, two-province area
bordering both Lao and Commun! t North Viet Nam where
the infllltration ha been concentrated.
On July 14, a top Cnited States military ~pokesman
at a specially convened press conference handed reporter.1
a prepared statement--wh1ch at lea t had been checked by
he American Embas y-which said "there are no indications of the presence of any PAVN <People's Army o! North
Viet Nam) units on South Vietnamese soil."
Only the day before, Piemier Nguyen Khanh, in an
exclusive interview, had described infiltration :from the
north as "overt invasion" and explained, "Before, we
had the problem of infiltration and subversion. Now we
have whole units coming in from North Viet Nam."
The North Vietname•e prisoners Gen. Khanh rep0rted
takin&"-the first ones captured in the war, he said-looked
llke concrete proof of Hanoi' involvement in the guerrilla
movement in the Sout~1.

THE Ql'ESTI01 ·s
But the U. S. military statement-followed two days
later by a similar one from Defense Secretary Robert s.
McNamara in Washln ton-raised a question which is
troubling :many observers here: On what evidence was it
based? Wu it an example o! "managed news"?
I!, :for example, wa~hlngton acknowledged that Hanoi
as escalating the five-year-old war against South Viet
am, would the United States be forced to retaliate against
North Viet Nam, as Johnson administration officials
threatened last month?
Or did the American statement reflect a more cautious
and leSl emotional analy&is than the publicly expressed
views o! Premier Khanh and his general ? Gen. Khanh
called la t week end ior clrect attacks on North Viet Nam.
On-the-spot investigation in the 1st Division area,
comprlslni South Viet. nm' two northernmost Provinces,
disclosed that be!ore the u. S. ll1llitary statement on July 14
and the Washington statemE' t on July 16, no American
Ot1!cial had interviewed an11 of the North Vietnamese
1'risoner. seized b11 Soutl VI tnamcse government force,
during the previous el3ht drflls.

In :fact, American field

mcers conceded they d!ct not

Crmfusinn. and frw~trafion hav"' brm the
hallmark,'I of the 1/'ar in South 'Viet Namand c,<:pccially of the United States' role in
the conjlict. In the last few month.<:, the Administration . has. attempted. to. clarify .it,-;
position, but to little effect. At one point,
Wa.<;hington seemed to be urging stronger
milita1 y action, noll' the Yietnamcse are cryfog for an e:cpandcd 1car--a11d the U. S. is
cautiou.-;. Westerday it ~as reliably reported
in high Washington circles _that important
11el/'s 1cill be coming I rorn Saigon in the next
day or tU'o, This news, it 1cas said, would
fiprol'ide i11dicators as to the future course of
the anti-Communist war effort.

even know how many orth Vietnamese prisoners had
been captured. (A Vietnamese intelligence report listed
three; this correspondent saw two.)
Since American officials had not interviewed the North
Vietnamese prisoners and hence had no independent source
of judgment, they were forced to rely Primarily on prisoner
interrogation reports prepared by Vietnamese military officers. These "initial" reports, averaging four pages per
prisoner, dealt primarily with immediate tactical information.
U. S. military officials demonstrated a selective credibility by accepting one part of one report as accuratenamely that two Russian helicopters had :ferried troops from
North Viet Nam into Laos and that these troops had then
marched across the border into South Viet Nam-while
other sections of the interrogation reports were discounted
as lacking substantiation.
During a three-day visit to the 1st Division area, this
reporter interviewed one North Vietnamese prisoner for
three hours and discussed with the division commander,
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, and his intelligence staff the
testimony of the prisoners. These staff officers openly ~rit-icized American officialdom !or "being too slow and sticking too close to form."
"The Americans weren't even interested in these pl'is•
oners," Gen. Thi exploded. "None of the American adviserli
here peak Vietnamese, but the American consul (in Hue)

docs. He wouldn't even condenscend to come here to interview them."
American officers In the northern provinces, conceding
that Americans had not mterv.e\\Cd the prisoners, replied,
"We've never had a policy of interview,ng prisoners. We're
not running this war." Presumably, no orders from Sai~on
or Washington have reversed this policy, a:i:thougrl mencan advisers actively participate in other areas of the ·ar
effort. The Ameri.:an advisers in the field also called Ge .
Thi "a sensationalist and publicity hound "
This correspondent read the interrogation report on
prisoner Le Phan tlung, a 24-year-old peasant born south
of Hanoi He was listed as a prn ate first class who had
entered the .'orth Vietnamese Army in May, 1963, was
sent to a training center for three month and then went
to join company 3, Battalion 7, Divis10n 325, stationed !n
Nghe An, North Viet Nam, 220 miles south of Hanoi.
Excerpts from the report say the prisoner "underwent
further training for six months on 81-mm. mortars and ...
then received orders to go to South Viet Nam to destroy the
control of the enemy over the population. He was well fed
over the five days in preparation for the trip south and was
promoted to private first class.
"Tn May, 1964, he received the order to sta.i.t the trip
with his whole company. Other companies have not startec\
the trip yet, but the· may perhaps go later. This eom•
Pany is comp0.5ed of draftees of 90 fighting men . . . . In
addition to this company there is another company of 90
men ,vhlch came south with his.
" . . They were taken to the airfield o! Don Hoi
and boarded a helicopter pamted blark. The hrl 1co?ter carried 20 passengers. There were t\\ o hd!copters ar-d each
helicopter made five tnps. Each t!lp took 40 m1n1tes. At
about :: o'clock in the afternoon all 180 had beer. traru;ferred. The helicopter landed in the jungle in Laos. Location unknown . . . . "
During a three-hour interview v. th this rcparter, t.he
Pri on r confirmed and expanded on the. report.
s~veral sections o! it were acceptect b·,'::..-c,_,..-.,,mn,
American officials in Saigon and in the northern provinces:
first that the prisoner was bona fide; econd that he flew
to Laos in a Russian heltcopter.
'rhey also accepted that the prisoner was a privateand that rank would indicate oornbat troops rather than
Mr. lcNamara's dcscnptlon of "cadre of Individuals"
Cadres enerally mean military offlc s, pol Jcal coinm
or military specialist .

The U. S. military statement and the cNamara press
conference ~harply con ti adlct several fundamental parts
o! the report
The prisoner . atd he ame to South Viet Nam with his
own !Ill-man company a~d another unit of the same size,
But the U S
st m
e in ltrat r
.::.:e "d spatched in sma I group. to South Viet am where
they reportedly were to combine \\ ,th existing local units
to form new _companies sind battalions." Mr. McNamara
indicated at his Was~mgt,m press conference that he knew
o! no inst~nces of mfilti ation of orgamzeii North Vietnamese un~ts into _the South Vietnamese war.
The pnsoner's mterrogation report did not say whether
the entire 90-man company ,,as composed of personnel
born in !-Orth Viet Nam: Ho,~·ever, the U. S. military statement said they were tramed 1n "mixed packets," indicating
t~at some were born m North Viet Nam and some in south
Viet Nam.
The prisoner told this corresPQndent all 90 men in his
company spake in North Vietnamese dialect.
The prisoner identified him elf with 6th Company o!
the 7th Battalion of the 325th Division of the People's
Army o! Viet Nam. The report listed names of its officer
in the north and said he moved mto South Viet Nam with
the company he trained with.
The U. S. military statement explainrd that JO\\'•
ranking infiltrators "continue to identify themselves with
their unit in North Viet Nam" and this "occasionally
gives rise to false initial impre sions that regular PAVN
units have infiltrated into South Viet Nam."
The U. S. military statement also said, "A :far as caq
be determined, all former membPrs of PAVN umts anq.
groups of men drawn from PAVN units sever connectio
with their former units once they have infiltrated
South Viet Nam. Thus it can be said with a fair degree o!
probability that there are no members of PAVN in
northern areas of South Viet Nam-for that matter,
where in South Viet Nam.''
American intelligence procedures demand at
two pieces of evidence-such as a prisoner report and a
document-before confirming the existence of a unit.

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this 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
war." 1:0,0,0,0
presumably, 1:0,0,0,0
no 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
orders 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
from 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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washington 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
have 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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has 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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can 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
advisers 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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ministration 1:0,0,0,0
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"a 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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point, 1:0,0,0,0
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interrogation 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
report 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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area 1:0,0,0,0
t 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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where 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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military 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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fog 1:0,0,0,0
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reporter.1 1:0,0,0,0
sent 1:0,0,0,0
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month 1:0,0,0,0
then 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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join 1:0,0,0,0
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<people's 1:0,0,0,0
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1cas 1:0,0,0,0
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81-mm. 1:0,0,0,0
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future 1:0,0,0,0
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received 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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population. 1:0,0,0,0
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"overt 1:0,0,0,0
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explained, 1:0,0,0,0
"before, 1:0,0,0,0
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days 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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problem 1:0,0,0,0
subversion. 1:0,0,0,0
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statement-followed 1:0,0,0,0
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these 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
"initial" 1:0,0,0,0
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:many 1:0,0,0,0
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i!, 1:0,0,0,0
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during 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
three-hour 1:0,0,0,0
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th 1:0,0,0,0
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t.he 1:0,0,0,0
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against 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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retaliate 1:0,0,0,0
namely 1:0,0,0,0
russian 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
helicopters 1:0,0,0,0
:ferried 1:0,0,0,0
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,..-.,,mn, 1:0,0,0,0,'::..-c,_ 1:0,0,0,0
johnson 1:0,0,0,0
administration 1:0,0,0,0
into 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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month? 1:0,0,0,0
marched 1:0,0,0,0
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fide; 1:0,0,0,0
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discounted 1:0,0,0,0
did 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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more 1:0,0,0,0
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'rhey 1:0,0,0,0
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private- 1:0,0,0,0
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division 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rank 1:0,0,0,0
indicate 1:0,0,0,0
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on-the-spot 1:0,0,0,0
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staff 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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t~at 1:0,0,0,0
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325th 1:0,0,0,0
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names 1:0,0,0,0
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"continue 1:0,0,0,0
identify 1:0,0,0,0
themselves 1:0,0,0,0
their 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nam" 1:0,0,0,0
"occasionally 1:0,0,0,0
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false 1:0,0,0,0
initial 1:0,0,0,0
impre 1:0,0,0,0
sions 1:0,0,0,0
regular 1:0,0,0,0
rise 1:0,0,0,0
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determined, 1:0,0,0,0
former 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
membprs 1:0,0,0,0
umts 1:0,0,0,0
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groups 1:0,0,0,0
drawn 1:0,0,0,0
sever 1:0,0,0,0
connectio 1:0,0,0,0
once 1:0,0,0,0
thus 1:0,0,0,0
fair 1:0,0,0,0
degree 1:0,0,0,0
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members 1:0,0,0,0
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nam.'' 1:0,0,0,0
procedures 1:0,0,0,0
demand 1:0,0,0,0 1:0,0,0,0
pieces 1:0,0,0,0
evidence-such 1:0,0,0,0
document-before 1:0,0,0,0
confirming 1:0,0,0,0
existence 1:0,0,0,0
unit. 1:0,0,0,0
outlr J'ietname1P t('oman captured by army and accrued of carrying food to Viet Con/(.


By Beverly Deepe
A Special Correspondent

1ST DI\'ISION AREA, South Viet Nam .
erious question regarding the credib1!1ty o! an
American m111tary announcement playing down North
Vietnamese troop infiltration south o! the 17th parallel
has been raised by South Vietnamese generals.
The official American statement minimizing reports o!
!nnltrat!on has been sharply contradicted by South Vietnamese officers In the mountainous, two-province area
bordering both Lao and Commun! t North Viet Nam where
the infllltration ha been concentrated.
On July 14, a top Cnited States military ~pokesman
at a specially convened press conference handed reporter.1
a prepared statement--wh1ch at lea t had been checked by
he American Embas y-which said "there are no indications of the presence of any PAVN <People's Army o! North
Viet Nam) units on South Vietnamese soil."
Only the day before, Piemier Nguyen Khanh, in an
exclusive interview, had described infiltration :from the
north as "overt invasion" and explained, "Before, we
had the problem of infiltration and subversion. Now we
have whole units coming in from North Viet Nam."
The North Vietname•e prisoners Gen. Khanh rep0rted
takin&"-the first ones captured in the war, he said-looked
llke concrete proof of Hanoi' involvement in the guerrilla
movement in the Sout~1.

THE Ql'ESTI01 ·s
But the U. S. military statement-followed two days
later by a similar one from Defense Secretary Robert s.
McNamara in Washln ton-raised a question which is
troubling :many observers here: On what evidence was it
based? Wu it an example o! "managed news"?
I!, :for example, wa~hlngton acknowledged that Hanoi
as escalating the five-year-old war against South Viet
am, would the United States be forced to retaliate against
North Viet Nam, as Johnson administration officials
threatened last month?
Or did the American statement reflect a more cautious
and leSl emotional analy&is than the publicly expressed
views o! Premier Khanh and his general ? Gen. Khanh
called la t week end ior clrect attacks on North Viet Nam.
On-the-spot investigation in the 1st Division area,
comprlslni South Viet. nm' two northernmost Provinces,
disclosed that be!ore the u. S. ll1llitary statement on July 14
and the Washington statemE' t on July 16, no American
Ot1!cial had interviewed an11 of the North Vietnamese
1'risoner. seized b11 Soutl VI tnamcse government force,
during the previous el3ht drflls.

In :fact, American field

mcers conceded they d!ct not

Crmfusinn. and frw~trafion hav"' brm the
hallmark,'I of the 1/'ar in South 'Viet Namand c,<:pccially of the United States' role in
the conjlict. In the last few month.<:, the Administration . has. attempted. to. clarify .it,-;
position, but to little effect. At one point,
Wa.<;hington seemed to be urging stronger
milita1 y action, noll' the Yietnamcse are cryfog for an e:cpandcd 1car--a11d the U. S. is
cautiou.-;. Westerday it ~as reliably reported
in high Washington circles _that important
11el/'s 1cill be coming I rorn Saigon in the next
day or tU'o, This news, it 1cas said, would
fiprol'ide i11dicators as to the future course of
the anti-Communist war effort.

even know how many orth Vietnamese prisoners had
been captured. (A Vietnamese intelligence report listed
three; this correspondent saw two.)
Since American officials had not interviewed the North
Vietnamese prisoners and hence had no independent source
of judgment, they were forced to rely Primarily on prisoner
interrogation reports prepared by Vietnamese military officers. These "initial" reports, averaging four pages per
prisoner, dealt primarily with immediate tactical information.
U. S. military officials demonstrated a selective credibility by accepting one part of one report as accuratenamely that two Russian helicopters had :ferried troops from
North Viet Nam into Laos and that these troops had then
marched across the border into South Viet Nam-while
other sections of the interrogation reports were discounted
as lacking substantiation.
During a three-day visit to the 1st Division area, this
reporter interviewed one North Vietnamese prisoner for
three hours and discussed with the division commander,
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, and his intelligence staff the
testimony of the prisoners. These staff officers openly ~rit-icized American officialdom !or "being too slow and sticking too close to form."
"The Americans weren't even interested in these pl'is•
oners," Gen. Thi exploded. "None of the American adviserli
here peak Vietnamese, but the American consul (in Hue)

docs. He wouldn't even condenscend to come here to interview them."
American officers In the northern provinces, conceding
that Americans had not mterv.e\\Cd the prisoners, replied,
"We've never had a policy of interview,ng prisoners. We're
not running this war." Presumably, no orders from Sai~on
or Washington have reversed this policy, a:i:thougrl mencan advisers actively participate in other areas of the ·ar
effort. The Ameri.:an advisers in the field also called Ge .
Thi "a sensationalist and publicity hound "
This correspondent read the interrogation report on
prisoner Le Phan tlung, a 24-year-old peasant born south
of Hanoi He was listed as a prn ate first class who had
entered the .'orth Vietnamese Army in May, 1963, was
sent to a training center for three month and then went
to join company 3, Battalion 7, Divis10n 325, stationed !n
Nghe An, North Viet Nam, 220 miles south of Hanoi.
Excerpts from the report say the prisoner "underwent
further training for six months on 81-mm. mortars and ...
then received orders to go to South Viet Nam to destroy the
control of the enemy over the population. He was well fed
over the five days in preparation for the trip south and was
promoted to private first class.
"Tn May, 1964, he received the order to sta.i.t the trip
with his whole company. Other companies have not startec\
the trip yet, but the· may perhaps go later. This eom•
Pany is comp0.5ed of draftees of 90 fighting men . . . . In
addition to this company there is another company of 90
men ,vhlch came south with his.
" . . They were taken to the airfield o! Don Hoi
and boarded a helicopter pamted blark. The hrl 1co?ter carried 20 passengers. There were t\\ o hd!copters ar-d each
helicopter made five tnps. Each t!lp took 40 m1n1tes. At
about :: o'clock in the afternoon all 180 had beer. traru;ferred. The helicopter landed in the jungle in Laos. Location unknown . . . . "
During a three-hour interview v. th this rcparter, t.he
Pri on r confirmed and expanded on the. report.
s~veral sections o! it were acceptect b·,'::..-c,_,..-.,,mn,
American officials in Saigon and in the northern provinces:
first that the prisoner was bona fide; econd that he flew
to Laos in a Russian heltcopter.
'rhey also accepted that the prisoner was a privateand that rank would indicate oornbat troops rather than
Mr. lcNamara's dcscnptlon of "cadre of Individuals"
Cadres enerally mean military offlc s, pol Jcal coinm
or military specialist .

The U. S. military statement and the cNamara press
conference ~harply con ti adlct several fundamental parts
o! the report
The prisoner . atd he ame to South Viet Nam with his
own !Ill-man company a~d another unit of the same size,
But the U S
st m
e in ltrat r
.::.:e "d spatched in sma I group. to South Viet am where
they reportedly were to combine \\ ,th existing local units
to form new _companies sind battalions." Mr. McNamara
indicated at his Was~mgt,m press conference that he knew
o! no inst~nces of mfilti ation of orgamzeii North Vietnamese un~ts into _the South Vietnamese war.
The pnsoner's mterrogation report did not say whether
the entire 90-man company ,,as composed of personnel
born in !-Orth Viet Nam: Ho,~·ever, the U. S. military statement said they were tramed 1n "mixed packets," indicating
t~at some were born m North Viet Nam and some in south
Viet Nam.
The prisoner told this corresPQndent all 90 men in his
company spake in North Vietnamese dialect.
The prisoner identified him elf with 6th Company o!
the 7th Battalion of the 325th Division of the People's
Army o! Viet Nam. The report listed names of its officer
in the north and said he moved mto South Viet Nam with
the company he trained with.
The U. S. military statement explainrd that JO\\'•
ranking infiltrators "continue to identify themselves with
their unit in North Viet Nam" and this "occasionally
gives rise to false initial impre sions that regular PAVN
units have infiltrated into South Viet Nam."
The U. S. military statement also said, "A :far as caq
be determined, all former membPrs of PAVN umts anq.
groups of men drawn from PAVN units sever connectio
with their former units once they have infiltrated
South Viet Nam. Thus it can be said with a fair degree o!
probability that there are no members of PAVN in
northern areas of South Viet Nam-for that matter,
where in South Viet Nam.''
American intelligence procedures demand at
two pieces of evidence-such as a prisoner report and a
document-before confirming the existence of a unit.

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month 1:0,0,0,0
then 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
went 1:0,0,0,0
it 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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~as 1:0,0,0,0
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statement--wh1ch 1:0,0,0,0
lea 1:0,0,0,0
checked 1:0,0,0,0
join 1:0,0,0,0
company 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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<people's 1:0,0,0,0
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1cas 1:0,0,0,0
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population. 1:0,0,0,0
well 1:0,0,0,0
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"overt 1:0,0,0,0
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explained, 1:0,0,0,0
"before, 1:0,0,0,0
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five 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
days 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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90 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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hence 1:0,0,0,0
independent 1:0,0,0,0
source 1:0,0,0,0
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statement-followed 1:0,0,0,0
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ficers. 1:0,0,0,0
these 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
"initial" 1:0,0,0,0
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:: 1:0,0,0,0
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mation. 1:0,0,0,0
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"managed 1:0,0,0,0
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during 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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t.he 1:0,0,0,0
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johnson 1:0,0,0,0
administration 1:0,0,0,0
into 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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division 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rank 1:0,0,0,0
indicate 1:0,0,0,0
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"none 1:0,0,0,0
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325th 1:0,0,0,0
people's 1:0,0,0,0
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"continue 1:0,0,0,0
identify 1:0,0,0,0
themselves 1:0,0,0,0
their 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nam" 1:0,0,0,0
"occasionally 1:0,0,0,0
gives 1:0,0,0,0
false 1:0,0,0,0
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