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363-04870 and 363-04894
From the Political Jungle of Viet - What Khanh Says
Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about an interview with General Khanh in which he alleges that U.S. Ambassador Maxwell Taylor backs South Vietnamese General Dương Văn Minh against him, page 1
1964, Aug. 31
Nguyễn, Khánh, 1927-2013; Taylor, Maxwell D. (Maxwell Davenport), 1901-1987; United States--Relations--Vietnam (Republic); Dương, Văn Minh, 1916-2001; Vietnam (Republic)--Politics and government
Äà Lạt, South Vietnam
11.9404; 108.4583
newspaper clippings
Collection Number
MS 363
Collection Title
Beverly Deepe Keever, Journalism Papers
Keever, Beverly Deepe
Copyright Information
These images are for educational use only. To inquire about usage or publication, please contact Archives & Special Collections.
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
extracted text
From Khanh' s Own Lips:
Taylor Favors ~Big' Minh
rc ontin.ue4 from page
hl:m!el! had offered suport for Gen . Minnknown rui " Big '" becauM he ~ taller a.nd
atockler than m ost V!e t011me- bu t feared
that Gen . MLrih would become "a. puppet
tor t h e neutrallsts ."
1 T ol d that acting Premier Nguyen Xu1m
O-.nh deS<:rlbed h im Saturday e.,i ~·inentallY
Ul" Oen. Khanh was sur prised . then laughed
said: " I am not a t t hat st.age yet."
He sa id h!.s doctor had checked him and.
foun d that "l h1n·e hear t trouble . . . and
hJih blood preaaure. The engine has run and.
run ror six mont.h.s, and now I n eed some
W ru1hln1,t~n officials et-rller descrlbed his
condltlon as i\ bad cold. He d td not appea.r
to ha ve 11, cold.
Oe n. Khanh received me fo r 45 mtnutea
1n his oflcla l governme nt residence in Dalat .
s moun ta in reson town. 150 m iles northea.st
of Sa igon . H e had come to Da lat Saturday
with h !.s wife and !\ve children .
Dfe&S('d In brov.-n cMl!an clothes wit h !l.
iruuoon n eck tie, he spoke ca.suaJJy . openly
and calmly du rlng th e Interview. Thousb &
cha tn -amokn ord!n arlly, he smoked only two
H, a ppeared wea ry, with purplish clrclea
under his eyes. bu t he was wor kin g at h l.5
M I e n tered. and he said
he had still more work to do. One o! his ch ie f
a ids ac companied h im to Da lat.
mahogany d~&k
R a th er th a n despair or defeat, Gen.
K h a nh ·s attitude ap peared to be on e or ells•
llluslon ment w1th f r ien ds who "betrayed me''
and dl~cou rag ement.
He Mid he h ed to ld O tn :\! tnh : " lt you
want to come back t-0 p()w er I v,\11 suppo r t
" I told h tm I'd te ll my frien ds . ' You m ust
su pport Bt £ Mmh · I toi d T a ylor th is too ,"
Gen Khn nh sa id.
O en . Mi n h was on e of t he leaders of t h e
November coup agains t the Ngo Dinh Die m
reg ime who In mm we re ovtrthro-P.·n by
Gt n Kha nh ln Janua r y G en . Min.h then
re luc tantly a,reed to remai n ns figureh ea d
Chief c,/ State. but "ns depri ved of rha t po~ t
in short-l!l'ed comllt uttona l cha n~es t hat
G en K ha nh push ed throuRh en rller th is
mont h . tempo ra rily mak ln11 h imself Pre.• tdent .
Then . last week . G en . Mi n h beca me onl'
o! a rulin2 tn um \' lrate or ~en era ls form ed
alte r ~t udent de monstrations ag a in H the
n e11· chart er an d bloody Buddhlst-Roman
Ca thol ic notin ~ The other two m ember,
a r~ G~n Kha nh a n d Lt. Grn. T ran Thlen
Kh iem
Explal r.t ng his diff tcu lt ie, . Gen . K han h
sa id --1 had sn many t h m ~s to do. But I
do 111Jt k now wh a t th e Am~rlca ns-I m ea n
the Amenciln Emba.<:S,; •In Sa igon) and
Was h !n ~ton- J do no t k now what they want.
" Ou~ 111i; thr first sLudem s tr ike, I t<·as
surpris ed o hc u the Voice o r Amer ica nn•
n:, ., n ce t :·. a t the Stu dr n t.s were a ~alnst the
K han n ~o,·ern men t The ,· were n ot against
m.v ; o,·frn ment but a ialnst the c ha rtJ>r
, constllut ton •· That ·s wh at It sa id on t he
pa per J had In m y ha nd -t hry wou ld llke
to rnise the char ter. So I '• as surprised at
th e VOA a n nounce ment. I talked t.-0 the
Em ba ssy a n d said it 1n~ no t t ru~ . Why doM
VO A c:1mpa 1~11 ,u:a 1r.sL me' 5o I do r.ot know
,.-h at th r Ame rtc nns ha\'e In mind ·
GP.n K h a nh <l e.-cnbr d h i,nscl/ as "Prime
Minis,e• tn n am e" a nd salrt he thou ght the
,\mcnca n ~01·rrn m en t l\ n d f.mbaMado r Taylor \\'anted him to co nt inue m t ha t ca pacity.
" I " Iii not snv ltkc ~! nc Art h u r. ·1 shall
r erurn But I
read;- tu Wh rn I come
back I ca nn ot have with me some people
"·ho bl- tra y me."
Toctar G en . Taylor fl ew to Dalat fr om
Saigon. presumably to • meet w!t.h O en .
K.hanh . He pla nned to be abse nt fr om the
capi ta l for only a rew hou rs.
Un u l 10 dr. ., s >1go, observ~rs h ere con1
sldertd Gell. Kba.nh to have two sourcPs of
· power: the support of the America n govern -
menr. and control ot the Army under !lb
!rlend. Oen . Khlem. the 39-,ear -old, be s!)(!Ctaelt<t Minilter of De.tense.
Ont.he Jenera! situa tion ln Vii"t Na m . G en .•
Kh.anh uld: " I am HCk w1Lh lhe intri gue In
my country. I do not know H It 's the nme in
the American agencies. I am a soldie.r dotn_g
my best. I do not llke to stay at m y d esk
thinking o! lntrliue. I go a nd try to wtn
the wa.r.
"When I came to power, I gave m y conh den ce to. the :0.,,1 Vie t <G reat~ · Viet Nam
pol!Ucal partyi , Yo,r ve seen them now. MY
right ha.na man In clvlll.a.n at!a.lrs betraHd
me . And the mUJtar:v still work for them-
"You know Oen. Khlem and I were cl smate,. :But when we met !or t wo d ays In
Salgon <durlng a. 48-hour · deba ti! on '11:ho
would be t he new Pres iden t! he's not the
.same rnan I ea.me to power wi th ~e,·en
m on th!! ago . But h e't not a bad one either .
We can stUl wor k together.
''One general I g1we t h e bigge~t Job :n (he
country to . . . 5t lU gives m oney· to t he
political part y work.Ing !or hill)Sel! and or
course work111g against m e.
·•After To nk.In t the North Vietnam ese
a ttacks o n American d estro yers an d the
American bombing of North Viet Nam ' our
morale was high a mong ou.r people and the
A.rm.y . I am not surp rised !f the VC <Com munist Viet Con g llllerrllla.s> were t rying t o
get t he situ a t.Ion as ba d as we have now.
''The Dal Viet plan was to d ivide us fi nd
put the Anny aaalnst the p eople th ro ugh
th e ! tudent.'! demorutratln g In the s t ree ts .
So I! I put 1n · the {ums. It's llke unde r t he
Diem regime last yea r bu t more gra"e
because it's not a ga inst one !a mn , or persona lity bu1. aga inst the a r med forces ."
He moved an n.shtray . c tgarett.e Jl~hter and
packet o! c.lga.rettes into a tria n gle ui Il lustrate.
"I pulled out th e Arm y ~o the peop le n re
aga inst t he peop le - the Buddhists a ga inst
the Cat holics-bu t t hat wen t to the ma x i•
m um poin t . and n ow I orde red t he Army
t o st ep In."
He said he dl d n ot know how \on'!' he
v.-ould rema in r esting l n Dalnt. He sa id h e
would retu rn to Saigon occa .< !onall y, "not to
ta ke power but to t ry to so l.-e the situa tion .
wh ich is very da ngerous "
" Bu t II I 'm aslted again to tak e po1t·er.
111 go right away,'' h e said . He lau gh ed a nd
added. " and t he m en ta l IUness \nil go r !aht
a wa y, t-00. "
Rt;SK-1\0 CHA'."iGES
From T he H era ld Tr ibune B ureau
. secretary of S ta te Dean R usk said yest..>r da'y tha t n o bMlc chan11es have taken place
In South Viet Nam d esplt.e Gen . K h anh 's
la pse In poll tlcal activity an d popular u nre.n
cu lml n ating In last week's Bud dh ist-R om an
Ca t h olic rlotlng .
Speakin g on the NBC -TV program " ~ eet
t he Press," Mr. R u!k mal.ntatned tha t: Oen .
K han h wll ! re urn t.-0 hls PQSC whe n he l.1
su ffici en tly rested--a vlev.- expressed ear ller
by S ta te Depart m ent spokesmen. He did no~
pred lc L when t hat woul d be.
Mr . I;?us ll n l d he ex pect..s Oen. Kha nh , after
h e res umes a cti vity, to wor k to1<·ard lnstal !a tion of a civilia n ,o:overnm ent. 1t h lc h Mr.
R usk said had al v. an bee n th e gen er al's ~oa l.
I n a nawer to a question . the Secrr tary of
St.ate ~ld he could not foresee II South Viet•
na me5e government ":hlch might ask th e
-0 . S. t o get out of the ro un t ry . H e sa id h e
knew of no faction In South Viet Nam . rel!~lo~ or mlUt.ary, wh lc1' wan ted Commun1~t
rule .