From Saigon, Some Doubts About a Battle That Might Be


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From Saigon, Some Doubts About a Battle That Might Be
Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about fears of an attack of Saigon by China and the potential role of jet planes in the Vietnam War, page unknown
1964, Aug. 16
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--China; Jet planes
Saigon, South Vietnam
10.8231; 106.6311
B4, F6
newspaper clippings
Collection Number
MS 363
Collection Title
Beverly Deepe Keever, Journalism Papers
Keever, Beverly Deepe
Copyright Information
These images are for educational use only. To inquire about usage or publication, please contact Archives & Special Collections.
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
extracted text
~ ,c.!G,'t From Saigon, Some Doubts

,\ About a Battle That Might Be
Vietnamese aircraft are only
transports and trainers.
The '5o-year-old Air Force
general, commander of the
Chinese Communist air- 2d Air Division based in
craft that could fly as !ar Saigon, controls all U. S. Air
south as Saigon would have Force aircraft in both South
had a limited bombing ca- Viet Nam and Thailand. This
pacity, according to a high- includes propeller-driven airranking United States Air craft used in Viet Nam's
Force officer.
counter-insurgency war, F-100
"The Chinese (Commu- photo - reconnaissance jets,
nists) have aircraft that can and F-102 jet interceptors
fly as far south as Saigon,", and B -57 jet flghter-bomb'ers
said Maj. Gen. Joseph H. brought in last week to proMoore, "but it would be a vide air defense against Comserious ques~ion whether they munist aircraf,t which might
would undei'take it."
have retaliated against AmerGen. Moore said the bomb- ican bombings of North Viet
ing capacity of Chinese Com- Nam. The U. S. Navy airmunist aircraft would be re- craft used in defending U. S.
duced because of the flying destroyers against attack and
distance between Saigon and in bombing North Viet Nam
North Vietnamese or Chinese are part of the 7th Fleet.
Gen. Moore said he did not
bases. Saigon is aqout 800
miles south of Hanoi, capital know how long the American
of North Viet Nam, and 700 jet interceptors and jet
miles from a. major Chinese fighter-bombers rushed here
Communist air base on last week would remain in
Hainan Island. He said North South Viet Nam.
By Beverly Deepe

A Special Correspondent


"I don't know when they'll
consider the crisis past," Gen.
Moore said. "But the commander ln the field has to be
ready for any contingency."
He said that the frequent
"scrambling" of the newlyarrived American jet interceptors and fighter-bombers
has been routine to keep pilots
in practice and to check the
aircraft. He said that unidentified tracks on radar
screens have appeared, but
"each time we get up there,
we find only friendly aircraft."
The unspecified number of
F-102 Delta Da,gger jet interceptors and B-57 Jet fighterbombers were sent to South
Viet Nam last week to provide
aerial defense in · case of
North Vietnamese or Chinese
The 1954 Geneva agreements
ending the French IndoChina War prohibits the bas-


ing of jet aircraft in either
North or South Viet Nam,
but for the past year American photo reconnaissance
jets have been "transited" in
Saigon and in northern cities
of the Vietnamese republic.
Gen. Moore said the Geneva
agreements would rule out
use of the newly-arrived jets
in the counter-insurgency war
in South Viet Nam. But he
said the jets, if necessary,
would be useful in case the
Viet Cong guerrillas increased
the pace and intensity of their
war to the point of entering
the conventional warfare
stage called Phase III.
"It's nonsense to say that
jets are too fast (for counterguerrilla war)," Gen. Moore
said. "Jets can be flown as
slowly as prop planes and can
deliver their ordnance more
accurately, They provide a
firmer platform. And jets can
work at greater speeds when
they encounter heavier ground

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"i 1:0,0,0,0
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transports 1:0,0,0,0
and 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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"but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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general, 1:0,0,0,0
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have 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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"transited" 1:0,0,0,0
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frequent 1:0,0,0,0
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includes 1:0,0,0,0
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agreements 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
rule 1:0,0,0,0
out 1:0,0,0,0
arrived 1:0,0,0,0
american 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
inter- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
ranking 1:0,0,0,0
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used 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nam's 1:0,0,0,0
use 1:0,0,0,0
newly-arrived 1:0,0,0,0
ceptors 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
fighter-bombers 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
officer. 1:0,0,0,0
counter-insurgency 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
war, 1:0,0,0,0
f-100 1:0,0,0,0
war 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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"the 1:0,0,0,0
(commu- 1:0,0,0,0
- 1:0,0,0,0
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can 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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interceptors 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
if 1:0,0,0,0
necessary, 1:0,0,0,0
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0 1:0,0,0,0
b 1:0,0,0,0
-57 1:0,0,0,0
flghter-bomb'ers 1:0,0,0,0
useful 1:0,0,0,0
case 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
identified 1:0,0,0,0
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pro- 1:0,0,0,0
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"each 1:0,0,0,0
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"it's 1:0,0,0,0
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(for 1:0,0,0,0
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b-57 1:0,0,0,0
fighter- 1:0,0,0,0
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"jets 1:0,0,0,0
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provide 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
slowly 1:0,0,0,0
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. 1:0,0,0,0
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firmer 1:0,0,0,0
platform. 1:0,0,0,0
700 1:0,0,0,0
rushed 1:0,0,0,0
here 1:0,0,0,0
a. 1:0,0,0,0
1954 1:0,0,0,0
work 1:0,0,0,0
at 1:0,0,0,0
greater 1:0,0,0,0
speeds 1:0,0,0,0
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remain 1:0,0,0,0
ending 1:0,0,0,0
french 1:0,0,0,0
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encounter 1:0,0,0,0
heavier 1:0,0,0,0
ground 1:0,0,0,0
base 1:0,0,0,0
china 1:0,0,0,0
prohibits 1:0,0,0,0
bas- 1:0,0,0,0
fire. 1:0,0,0,0
hainan 1:0,0,0,0
island. 1:0,0,0,0
~ ,c.!G,'t From Saigon, Some Doubts

,\ About a Battle That Might Be
Vietnamese aircraft are only
transports and trainers.
The '5o-year-old Air Force
general, commander of the
Chinese Communist air- 2d Air Division based in
craft that could fly as !ar Saigon, controls all U. S. Air
south as Saigon would have Force aircraft in both South
had a limited bombing ca- Viet Nam and Thailand. This
pacity, according to a high- includes propeller-driven airranking United States Air craft used in Viet Nam's
Force officer.
counter-insurgency war, F-100
"The Chinese (Commu- photo - reconnaissance jets,
nists) have aircraft that can and F-102 jet interceptors
fly as far south as Saigon,", and B -57 jet flghter-bomb'ers
said Maj. Gen. Joseph H. brought in last week to proMoore, "but it would be a vide air defense against Comserious ques~ion whether they munist aircraf,t which might
would undei'take it."
have retaliated against AmerGen. Moore said the bomb- ican bombings of North Viet
ing capacity of Chinese Com- Nam. The U. S. Navy airmunist aircraft would be re- craft used in defending U. S.
duced because of the flying destroyers against attack and
distance between Saigon and in bombing North Viet Nam
North Vietnamese or Chinese are part of the 7th Fleet.
Gen. Moore said he did not
bases. Saigon is aqout 800
miles south of Hanoi, capital know how long the American
of North Viet Nam, and 700 jet interceptors and jet
miles from a. major Chinese fighter-bombers rushed here
Communist air base on last week would remain in
Hainan Island. He said North South Viet Nam.
By Beverly Deepe

A Special Correspondent


"I don't know when they'll
consider the crisis past," Gen.
Moore said. "But the commander ln the field has to be
ready for any contingency."
He said that the frequent
"scrambling" of the newlyarrived American jet interceptors and fighter-bombers
has been routine to keep pilots
in practice and to check the
aircraft. He said that unidentified tracks on radar
screens have appeared, but
"each time we get up there,
we find only friendly aircraft."
The unspecified number of
F-102 Delta Da,gger jet interceptors and B-57 Jet fighterbombers were sent to South
Viet Nam last week to provide
aerial defense in · case of
North Vietnamese or Chinese
The 1954 Geneva agreements
ending the French IndoChina War prohibits the bas-


ing of jet aircraft in either
North or South Viet Nam,
but for the past year American photo reconnaissance
jets have been "transited" in
Saigon and in northern cities
of the Vietnamese republic.
Gen. Moore said the Geneva
agreements would rule out
use of the newly-arrived jets
in the counter-insurgency war
in South Viet Nam. But he
said the jets, if necessary,
would be useful in case the
Viet Cong guerrillas increased
the pace and intensity of their
war to the point of entering
the conventional warfare
stage called Phase III.
"It's nonsense to say that
jets are too fast (for counterguerrilla war)," Gen. Moore
said. "Jets can be flown as
slowly as prop planes and can
deliver their ordnance more
accurately, They provide a
firmer platform. And jets can
work at greater speeds when
they encounter heavier ground

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from 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
saigon, 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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vietnamese 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
aircraft 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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south 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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gen. 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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correspondent 1:0,0,0,0
but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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'5o-year-old 1:0,0,0,0
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"but 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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general, 1:0,0,0,0
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have 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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"transited" 1:0,0,0,0
2d 1:0,0,0,0
division 1:0,0,0,0
based 1:0,0,0,0
as 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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frequent 1:0,0,0,0
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nam 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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inter- 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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used 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
nam's 1:0,0,0,0
use 1:0,0,0,0
newly-arrived 1:0,0,0,0
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fighter-bombers 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
officer. 1:0,0,0,0
counter-insurgency 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
war, 1:0,0,0,0
f-100 1:0,0,0,0
war 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
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- 1:0,0,0,0
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0 1:0,0,0,0
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-57 1:0,0,0,0
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useful 1:0,0,0,0
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brought 1:0,0,0,0
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pro- 1:0,0,0,0
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moore, 1:0,0,0,0
it 1:0,0,0,0
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"each 1:0,0,0,0
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(for 1:0,0,0,0
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sent 1:0,0,0,0
"jets 1:0,0,0,0
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provide 1:0,0,0,0;1:0,0,0,0
slowly 1:0,0,0,0
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. 1:0,0,0,0
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1954 1:0,0,0,0
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heavier 1:0,0,0,0
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base 1:0,0,0,0
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prohibits 1:0,0,0,0
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fire. 1:0,0,0,0
hainan 1:0,0,0,0
island. 1:0,0,0,0
Item sets