Article about South Korean battalions Original title: "Koreans", Keever's title: "Republic of Korean Troops: They are 'the old Japanses Army (of World War II) - with an American Veneer'", Article about South Korean battalion, published for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Korean soldiers sparring Two Korean soldiers performing martial arts are sparring. One takes a rifle from the other. They are probably doing either Teukgong Moosool or Taekwondo. Both soldiers are in doboks.
Korean soldiers sparring Two Korean soldiers performing martial arts are sparring. One is holding a rifle. They are probably doing either Teukgong Moosool or Taekwondo. Both soldiers are in doboks.
Korean soldiers sparring Two Korean soldiers performing martial arts are sparring. They are probably doing either Teukgong Moosool or Taekwondo. Both soldiers are in doboks.
Korean military officials at a table Original title: "Korea-Negs 182-3(2)-183-1(1) 5.USA" A group of Korean military officials sit together at a large table in a room. On the table, there are microphones, papers, and flags. From scrapbook
Korean military officials at a table Original title: "Korea-Negs 182-3(2)-183-1(1) 5.USA" A group of Korean military officials sit together at a large table in a room. On the table, there are microphones, papers, and flags. From scrapbook