Amphibious boats and naval ship Original caption: "Navy and Marine Raid Operations conducted at Vung Mu, Republic of Vietnam on September 25, 1965. In a coordinated dawn attack the seventh fleet amphibious task group landed marines by landing craft, vehicles and helicopter to search for and destroy Viet cong supplies, troops and possible infiltration points on a peninsula, 15 miles South of Qui Nhon. Marine Landing armored vehicles of the first assault wave climb up sand dunes at Vung Mu, while fourth wave LCMS touchdown on the beach." Five amphibious boats full of American soldiers sail in front of an anchored naval ship.
Article about Marines returning to Khe Sanh Original title: "K/S khesanh." Article by Keever on the Marine Corps' return to a Khe Sanh outpost
Article about discoveries inside the DMZ Original title: "dmz", Keever's title: "In more [?] Inside the DMZ, U.S. Marines Find Communist Bunkering Complex, Arms Cache, Graves", Article draft about discoveries inside the DMZ, for the Christian Science Monitor, pages 1-15
Article about Marines returning to Khe Sanh and Communist activity there Original title: "revisit. File K/S Revisited Oct/68." Article by Keever about Marine Corps' return to the Khe Sanh outpost and the signs of Communist presence there
Second article on developments along the DMZ Original title: "tactics", Keever's title: "Marines do Helicopter Hopscotching along DMZ's Hilltops", Article draft about the use of helicopters to assist patrols along the DMZ, for the Christian Science Monitor
Fifth article about Khe Sanh Original title: "offensive", Keever's title: "'Hemmed-In Feeling' Grips Khe Sanh", part five of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Fourth article about Khe Sanh Original title: "strategy", Keever's title: "Communist Tanks and Trucks Detour Khe Sanh", part four of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Third article about Khe Sanh Original title: "defense", Keever's title: "Khe Sanh Likened to Cheese in a Mousetrap", Part three of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Second article about Khe Sanh Original title: "siege", Keever's title: "Three-Demensional Siege Grips Khe Sanh", Part two of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
First article about Khe Sanh Original title: "khe sahn", Keever's title: "Khe Sanh Marines Try to Cheat Death; Some Fail", Part one of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the Vietnamese economy and the homecoming of American marines Original title: "focus." Article draft about the poor state of the Vietnamese economy and the homecoming of the American 27th Marines. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article fragment about American bombing in Khe Sahn Original title: "focus", Keever's title: "Tens of U.S. Bombs Supporting Khe Sahn Equals Five Hiroshimas." Fragment of an article draft describing the American bombing campaign around the Khe Sahn Base. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about fighting in Khe Sahn Original title: "Khe Sahn", Keever's title: "Communist Assault on Khe Sahn Vanishes." Article about fighting in Khe Sahn, and the lack of a materialized Communist/Việt Cộng offensive. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about a confrontation between American Marines and Buddhist protestors Keever's title: "Buddhist orgnaizers seek to topple Prime Minister Ky's Government", article about a confrontation between American Marines and Buddhist protestors
Article about anti-American Buddhist protest groups threatening to burn U.S. Marine bases Keever's title: "Tensions flare between U.S. Marines and Buddhist dissidents in Northern Provinces", article about anti-American Buddhist protest groups threatening to burn U.S. Marine bases
Marines' Great Effort: Securing Da Nang Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about securing the area around Đà Nẵng Air Base and the difficulties the Marine Corps faced due to guerilla warfare
3000 More Marines for Viet Article about the deployment of US Marines, for the New York Herald Tribune
Article on the US Marines and pacification Original title: "American Marines and Pacification Headaches." Original caption: "wrapup--article 4 of 4-article series" Article by Keever about the US Marine Corps and pacification strategy for New York Herald Tribune
Article about American Marine Corps' failure to reclaim Hoi An Original title: "AMERICAN MARINES AND PACIFICATION HEADACHES", Keever's title: "'Keeping your rear covered,': Big problem for U.S. Marines Securing Danang Airbase" This article was later reproduced in Congressoinal Record. Article about American Marines' delay in claiming Hoi An, article 4 of 4-article series, for the New York Herald Tribune
Letter from Beverly Keever to Mr. Rosenfeld about a Marine Corps article Letter from Beverly Keever to her New York Herald Tribune editor, Mr. Rosenfeld, about an article she was sending on a battle where Marine Corps supply tanks fell into a Viet Cong trap. The letter discusses the battle, Keever's sources, the Marine Corp's efforts to control the story and distract the journalists, other war correspondents who wrote about the baqttle, and the recent footage captured by CBS News correspondent Morley Safer of U.S. Marines burning Cam Ne village
Article about the unpopularity of American Marines with Vietnamese villagers Original title: "The Subterraneans", Keever's title: "Communists; invisible political campaign encricle U.S Marine defenders of jet airbase," Article about the unpopularity of American Marines with Vietnamese villagers
Article about Le My village and Fox Fort fortness Original title: "Le My and Fox Fort", Keever's title: "Fox Fort: Used by Japanese in World War II, then French colonialists, now U.S. Marines' company base", article about Le My village and the history of nearby Fox Fort, the fortness of stone situated miles away from Danang airbase. Missing page 8
Article about changing war tactics Keever's title: "'If we don't change our tactics, we will lose this war', a U.S Marine private prophecies", article about changing war tactics
Article about the failure of using Marines to fortify South Vietnam Original title: "wrapup- article 1 of 8 - article series", Keever's title: "'Security must be total', but it isn�t for U.S. Marines defending airbase", article about the failure of using American combat Marines to fortify strategic enclaves of South Vietnam by the Johnson Administration
Article about Le My village protected by American Marines Original title: "Le My - American Tears", Keever's title: "U.S. Marines gamble on 'people-to-people' program to gain villagers' support", article about Le My - a complex of Vietnamese villages protected by American Marines