Aerial photo of Mig-21 "Fishbed" jet fighter Original caption: "The communist-build Mig-21 "Fishbed" jet fighter has stepped up its appearance over North Vietnamese targets recently. The one above was photographed near Hanoi. The aircraft set a sped record in Oct. 1959 of 1,484 mph. Flying in March 2, it has a combat radius of 375 miles. The basic load used by the communist jet is two air-to-air heat seeking missiles. It can also carry a 30mm cannon." A jetfighter flying over fields.
Aerial photo of MIG-17s parked at the Hoa Lac Airfield Original caption: "MIGS on Ramp - An unarmed Air Force reconnaissance jet photographed five MIG-17s parked at the Hoa Lac Airfield near Hanoi in a daylight mission over North Vietnam. The airfield is protected by a series of anti-aircraft gun batteries (upper left). Air Force reconnaissance pilots keep a constant watch over North Vietnam airfields." Aerial photo of an air base, with 5 MIG-17s labelled.
Air Force F-105 Thunderchiefs bombing Son Tay Army supply area Original caption: "On target - Bombs from Air Force F-105 Thunderchiefs hit on target during the March 26 strike at the Son Tay Army supply area, North Vietnam, during the Strike, 23 miles west of Hanoi, Colonel Robert R. Scott, 355th Tactical Fighter Wing Commander, chalked up his first MIG kill, bring the Air Force total of confirmed MIG kills for the Vietnam war to 30, and two probable." Aerial photo of bombed buildings, with bomb bursts and light damage labelled. There is also a building labelled "previously dismantled."
Aerial photo of Dong Phong Thuong railroad bypass bridge Original caption: "Railroad bypass bridge - high flying air force aerial reconnaissance pilots photographed the Dong Phong Thuong railroad bypass bridge undergoing intensive repairs in the western part of North Vietnam." Aerial photo of a bridge that has been bombed and cut.
Bombing of Huong Vi railroad yards Original caption: "Air Force Bombardment - Dense smoke billows skyward at Huong Vi railroad yards, 36 miles northeast of Hanoi, after Air Force F-105 Thunderchief pilots unloaded their bomb payloads on the facility. Air Force strikes, such as the one pictured above, are part of the continuous pressure being applied to North Vietnam's lines of communications to halt the flow of war materials to the South." Aerial photo of an air strike on a rural rail yard.
Bomb strike on Hoang Mai rail Original caption: "Pinpoint Bombing - bombs strike the Hoang Mai rail siding, 23 miles north-northwest of Hanoi, hitting an estimated 15 pieces of rolling rock, two 10-car trains and support buildings. The Air Force pilots unloaded their bombs on the west and center portions at the sidings June 11." Aerial photo of an air strike on a rail line.
F4C Phantom diving Original caption: "Phantom Strike - an air force F4C Phantom crew dives on a target on North Vietnam. During the past year, Phantom crews flew missions over North and South Vietnam. In the North, while flying MIG cover for Strike aircraft, F-4C crews downed nine MIG jets, including one supersonic MIG-21. Phantom crews also flew close air support and other missions in the south and logged most of the Air Force's night strikes against military targets in the north." An airplane diving over a jungle and river.
Article contrasting American aggression and the neutralist South Vietnamese Original title: "analysis." Article by Keever contrasting the increasing aggression of the American forces and the neutralist South Vietnamese government
Article on the parallel bombardment and guerrilla campaigns Original title: "analysis." Article by Keever on the interplay between the parallel wars of American/North Vietnamese bombardment and American/South Vietnamese/Viet Cong guerrilla warfare
"Little Things in a Bigger War" Original title: "Little Things in a Bigger War." Keever's second article on security, specifically on the ways the American bureaucracy and Vietnamese corruption make proper defense strategies difficult
First article on security around American billets Original title: "security." First article by Keever on security around American billets and Vietnamese airbases, especially on the failure of the defenses around the Pleiku base
Article on the effect of North Vietnam bombings on government tensions Original title: "government." Article by Keever on the effect of North Vietnam bombings on government tensions
Article on airpower and psychological warfare Original title: "air." Article by Keever describing US strategy of balancing airpower and psychological warfare in South Vietnam
Article on American jets Original title: "jet evaluation." Article by Keever on American jets in South Vietnam
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Two American pilots stand for a photo beside an airplane. On the side is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force base Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." A plane on the runway.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Three American pilots beside an airplane. On the plane is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Three American pilots beside an airplane. On the plane is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Three American pilots beside an airplane. On the plane is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force base Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." A plane on the runway.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." An American pilot in the cockpit of an airplane. On the side is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." An American pilot in the cockpit of an airplane. On the side is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Two American pilots pose for a photo beside an plane. On the plane is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Da Nang US Air Force pilots Original caption: "USAF -- B-57 - Danang." Two American pilots pose for a photo beside an plane. On the plane is written "Snoop's Jet" above the image of Snoopy the Dog in an aviator helmet.
Army, Air Force, and Navy personnel discuss Nha Trang enemy forces Original caption: "Nha Trang - Summit at Sea - Representing three close partners in recent operations against enemy forces near Nha Trang, Army Captain Donald J. Banta, 27, Las Vegas (left); Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W Lentine, 45, San Jose, Calif., and Navy Lieutenant (junior grade) Joseph D. Lopez, 30, Central Valley, Calif. scan a chart of Nha Trang, where the action took place. Against a background of the area in which the three found and destroyed Charlie, the three represent Army artillery, Air Force Spooks and Navy harbor defense units that spotted Communists on the coastline." Three American military men stand together looking at a map and talking.