Capt. Simon W. Moses examining RF-101 reconnaissance aircraft nose camera Original caption: "Hq 2AD Tan Son Nhut - Examining the nose camera of his RF-101 reconnaissance aircraft is Capt. Simon W. Moses, 37, of Lake Charles, La., a recce tech pilots who flies daring missions over both South and North Vietnam photographing enemy strong points for future targeting by the U.S. Air Force armed aircraft, or areas already hit for assessment of bomb damage by photo experts. Captain Moses is a squadron operations officer with the unit." A US Air Force pilot inspecting a camera in the nose of a plane. A sandbag wall is in the background.
Capt. Raymond J. Riffault give AOK sign Original caption: "Hq 2AD Tan Son Nhut - Giving the traditional AOK sign after landing from a mission is Capt. Raymond J. Riffault, of Newport, R.I. Captain Riffault pilots an RF-101 reconnaissance aircraft on both in country and out of country sorties to photograph areas selected for armed strikes by U.S. Air Force planes, or areas that have already been hit in order to determine bomb damage." A US airman sitting in a plane cockpit give an AOK sign to the camera.
U.S. Air Force A2C John H. Paxton of RT. 4 adding hydraulic fluid to his lockhead C-130 Hercules Original caption: "Hq 2AD Tan Son Nhut - Inflight - U.S. Air Force A2C John H. Paxton of RT. 4, box 23, Glendenin, Va., adds hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic system of his lockhead C-130 Hercules. At the time, Airman Paxton, maintenance crew chief of his aircraft was on a flight over the Republic of Vietnam." A US airman stands on a ladder and pours from a can into a machine.
U.S. Air Force A2C William R. Rumsey telling his commander that his cargo cabin is secure Original caption: "Hq 2AD Tan Son Nhut - Cabin Secure - U.S. Air Force A2C William R. Rumsey of 3109 Valley View, Dallas, Tex., a C-130 Hercules loadmaster, tells his aircraft commander, via intercom, that his cargo cabin is secure. This photo was shot just prior to takeoff from Pleiku Airfield, Republic of Vietnam." A US Airman speaks on a headset inside a plane.
U.S. Air Force A2C Ross J. Nicholson loading cannon shells in a Supersabre Original caption: "Hq 2AD Tan Son Nhut afld - RVN - Armament Specialist - U.S. Air Force A2C Ross J. Nicholson, of Grove City, Pa., a U.S. Air Force armament specialist, works on the hot gun bay of a North American F-100 Supersabre of the 481st Tactical Fighter Squadron, Airman Nicholson is loading 20mm cannon shells in the Supersabre for a sortie somewhere in the Republic of Vietnam." A shirtless American man loads munitions into an Air Force plane.
Lt. Col. William R. Eichelberger and Lt. Col. John J. Knight discussing an A-1E Fighter-bomber Original caption: "Lt. Col. William R. Eichelberger (left), departing commander of 1st Air Commando Sq. and Lt. Col. John J. Knight who will be the new commander discuss the merits of the 'daisy cutter.' Loaded on A-1E Fighter-bomber the innovation, using pipes fitted to the noses of general purpose bombs, enables them to explode before they bury themselves in the soft Vietnamese soil. This greatly increases the chock and fragmentation effects." Two US Airmen inspect the gun of an airplane.
USAF pilots received Vietnamese Air Force wings at Tan Son Nhut Air Base Original caption: "Twenty seven USAF pilots received Vietnamese Air Force wings and certificates of honorary membership in the VNAF at the ceremony at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon, on 12 March 1963. All were members of a group of 30 Air Force flyers assigned about a year ago to the 43rd VNAF Transport Group to augment the shortage of Vietnamese pilots. The Air Force contingent use nicknamed the "Dirty Thirtys" from the outset. Twenty pilots, shown here, were present for the decorations, seven were absent. All have completed between 600 and 700 combat and airlift support missions in the role of co-pilot advisors and instructor pilots in Vietnamese. VNAF officer and airmen personnel stood at attention while Colonel Huyen Huu Hfen, VNAF Commander in Chief made the presentation." US Airmen standing in a formation holding rolled paper.
Planeside services for Captain Robert D. Bennett and First Lieutenant William B. Tully Original caption: "Planeside services for Captain Robert D. Bennett and First Lieutenant William B. Tully, who were killed Nov. 5 when their VNAF B-26 crashed during the support mission, are conducted by Chaplain Donald Squires near the Tan Son Nhut terminal, as pallbearers representing the 2nd Air Division look on. The bodies were transported to Clark AB, Philippines, and from there to their next of kin in the States." Two groups of men stand around two coffins draped with American flags, while a chaplain reads from the bible. In the background there is a group of people standing in an aircraft.
TSgt. John W. Vallery entertaining children at Sacred Heart Orphanage Original caption: "One of many airmen donating funds to support the Sacred Heart Orphanage at , TSgt. John W. Vallery entertains a group of children during play period. Officers and airmen of the 2nd ADVON renovated most of the buildings at the main orphanage and have started re-constructing a beach house for the children." US Airman sitting on a bench talking to a crowd of children.
A2C Eddie Garcia and TSgt. John H. Doucetter replace kerosense lanterns at Sacred Heart Orphanage Original caption: "Airmen of the 2nd ADVON unit Viet Nam spend their off duty time repairing facilities of the Sacred Heart Orphanage at . Above, A2C Eddie Garcia of San Joaquin, Calif. (left) and TSgt. John H. Doucetter, Lawrence, Mass., replace the kerosense lanterns with lighting systems purchased by the men." Two men hanging lights in a building full of cribs. A baby can be seen in the background, as well as a woman walking with a blanket in her hand.
Lt. Hiram Sullivan distributes clothing to orphaned children Original caption: "Originator of the orphanage support project for 2nd ADVON personnel in South Viet Nam, 1st Lt. Hiram Sullivan distributes a portion of the clothing purchased for the children. In addition to spending their free time renovating the buildings, the men have written to friends in the United States to solicit support." US soldier and two nuns handing out clothing to a group of girls.
Nguyen Van Lang in USAF weather training inspecting antenna Original caption: "Mr. Nguyen Van Lang, Vietnamese civilian, undergoing USAF weather training as a weather observer, inspects the antenna system of the radar, wind, sounding apparatus in use at Da Nang, Viet Nam weather station. " Vietnamese man repairing a machine.
Nguyen Van Lang releasing weather balloon Original caption: "A huge weather balloon with a long "train" of instruments, which transmits temperature, humidity and pressure data to ground recorders, is released by Mr. Nguyen Van Lang, Vietnamese civilian undergoing USAF weather training at Da Nang, Viet Nam weather station." Man releasing a large balloon, with antennas and disks in the background.
Aerial photo of anti-aircraft site Original caption: "AA Site - This photograph of a typical communist anti-aircraft site was taken by a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft. This site is near the Hoa Loc airfield, 23 miles west of Hanoi. The site has nine 57mm gun placements and support facilities. Air Force reconnaissance jets continually patrol the skies near the MIG airfields to detect any increase in communist aircraft activity." Aerial photo of buildings in a rural area.
Aerial photo of anti-aircraft site Original caption: "57mm Positions - This anti-aircraft site near the Hoa Loc airfield, 23 miles west of Hanoi, contains six 57mm positions. There are also numerous POL trucks in the area. U.S. Air Force reconnaissance jets maintain a content surveillance over the communist airfields in North Vietnam to note any increase in MIG activity." Aerial photo of buildings in a rural area.
Aerial photo of Hai Phong Thermo Power Plant Original caption: "Damage assessment photograph taken from a VF-213 Aircraft during a strike on Hai Phong Thermo Power Plant West on 20 Apr. 1967, large smoke and dust clouds envelope the power plant as the plant is being struck by Air Wing Eleven pilots from the attack carrier Kitty Hawk, USS Kitty Hawk is presently off the coast of North Vietnam." Aerial photo of a city.
Aerial photo of bombed Kep railroad yard Original caption: "Dense smoke and dust - Air Force reconnaissance photographs taken shortly after the air raid on the Kep railroad yard, 39 miles northeast of Hanoi, revealed the thick smoke and dust kicked up by the heavy bombardment. Air Force F-105 Thunderchief pilots triggered numerous secondary explosions and ignited several large fires during their bombing strike Apr. 20." Aerial photo of smoke over a railyard.
Aerial photo of a bombed highway Original caption: "A direct hit is scored by an Air Force tactical fighter jets on one of the North Vietnam highways leading into South Vietnam. North Vietnam truck convoys have been using the road to transport supplies to the Viet Cong. The aerial reconnaissance photo also shows anti-aircraft gun positions on both sides of the interdicted road." Aerial photo of an air strike on a road.
Aerial photo of Thai Nguygen Steel Plant Original caption: "Steel Plant - An unarmed Air Force reconnaissance jet photographed this section of the Thai Nguygen Steel Plant, 38 miles north of Hanoi. Enemy barges are clearly visible (top left) as well as petroleum-oil and lubricant tanks (right) and bridge girders (left). The steel plant, which has been hit several times in the past few months, produces a major portion of North Vietnamese steel supply." Aerial photo of a factory and yard.
Smoke cloud Original caption: "Pol Area Bombed - Heavy black smoke clouds billow into the sky as Air Force reconnaissance jets take this photo of a North Vietnam POL fuel storage area immediately after it was struck by tactical fighter bombers." Black smoke cloud rising over a small rural town.
Aerial photo of bombing aftermath on a trench Original caption: "Jets bomb trench - After tactical fighter-bombers made direct hits on a trench sheltering enemy forces, Air Force reconnaissance jet photos reveal the bomb damage. The photo was taken in South Vietnam." Aerial photo of the bombing aftermath on a trench.
Aerial photo of Viet Tri thermal power plant Original caption: "The Viet Tri thermal power plant, 29 miles northwest of Hanoi, was the target (March 19), for Air Force F-105 Thunderchief pilots from the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing. Flying under the low handing clouds, the pilots hit the plant which produces 11 per cent of the electrical power to North Vietnam." Aerial photo of a factory and other buildings.
Aerial photo of vehicles on an air strip Original caption: "Unaware of the roving camera eye of an Air Force reconnaissance pilot, this North Vietnamese auxiliary landing strip is being repaired following a strike by U.S. Air Force tactical aircraft. Two trucks and an earth-grading machine are in the center of the strip, packing and leveling the earth. Off the runway, (top of photo) is an unidentified destroyed aircraft. Reconnaissance aircraft constantly prowl the skies of North Vietnam seeking out targets for Air Force strike aircraft and recording post strike bomb damage." Aerial photo of four vehicles on an air strip.
Aerial photo of pontoon bridge on the Son Chay River Original caption: "An Air Force reconnaissance pilot photographed this newly constructed pontoon bridge on the Son Chay River near Doan Hung, North Vietnam, approximately 60 miles northwest of Hanoi. The pontoon bridge has 19 sections supported by sandbar at mid-river. Most permanent type bridges in North Vietnam have been rendered unserviceable by attacking air Force tactical fighter-bombers." Aerial photo of a bridge over a river.
Aerial photo of truck convoy Original caption: "An Air force reconnaissance pilot photographed this truck convoy heading northwest on Route, 106, 50 miles north of the Democration line near Cu Hap, North Vietnam. Of the 12 trucks, five are turning into a truck park located approximately 150 yards east of the highway." Aerial photo of a convoy of vehicles on a rural road.