Nguyễn Văn Thiệu and Nguyễn, Thị Mai Anh on a US Navy Ship Nguyễn Văn Thiệu and Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh stand on the deck of a U.S. 7th Fleet ship. They are surrounded by American soldiers saluting.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu on a US Navy Ship with American officers Nguyễn Văn Thiệu aboard a U.S. Navy 7th Fleet ship with an unidentified Vietnamese man and American officers.
James A. Purl shakes hands with Republic of President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu on USS Constellation Original caption: "President Thieu Visits Constellation - Aviation Boatswain's Mate Second Class James A. Purl shakes hands with Republic of Vietnam President Nguyen Von Theiu aboard the San Diego-based attack aircraft carrier USS Constellation. President Thieu arrived aboard Constellation on July 10, 1968 to present awards to 41 men of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Purl is the son of Mrs. A.C. Crouse of Eldorado Springs, Mo., and husband of the former Miss Maureen A. Behwing of Bremerton, Wash., (now of 579 Moss St., Chula Vista, Chula.) Purl is a 14-year Navy veteran. He has been serving aboard Constellation since Nov. 1963, and is presently making his fourth combat tour off of the coast of Vietnam." President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu speaking with an American officer and an American out of uniform. There is a plane in the background.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu on a US Navy Ship with American officers Nguyễn Văn Thiệu aboard a U.S. Navy 7th Fleet ship with American officers. Many American sailors are in the background.
Article about President Thiệu's rejection of the Paris Peace Talks Original title: "thieu", Keever's title: "President Theiu Rebukes LBJ on Attending Paris Peace Talks", Article draft about Thiệu's refusal to attend the Paris Peace Talks, for the Christian Science Monitor, page 1-7
Second article on the appointment of Prime Minister Trần Văn Hương and his Cabinet Original title: "huong", Keever's title: "Cabinet Seeks Triumvirate Rule." Article about the conflict between President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, U.S. officials, and Nguyễn Cao Kỳ that led to the appointment of Trần Văn Hương as Prime Minister. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the appointement of Prime Minister Trần Văn Hương Original title: "Huong", Keever's title: "From School Teacher to Prime Minister Unify the Non-Communists." Article about President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's decision to appoint Trần Văn Hương as his Prime Minister. The article speculates why the decision was made, especially how the decision appeared to be a way to unify the Non-Communist parties in South Vietnam. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's cabinet Original title: "cabinet", Keever's title: "U.S Ellection and Bloody War Make Paris Peace Talks - A slideshow." Article about the expected change in President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's cabinet, especially an expected inclusion of members of Liên minh các Lực lượng Dân tộc, Dân chủ và Hòa bình Việt Nam (Alliance of National Democratic and Peaceful Forces of Vietnam). Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the reorganization of the South Vietnamese Army Original title: "shakeup", Keever's title: "Shake-up Seen for South Vietnam Armed Forces." Article draft written by Keever about President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's government. Topics include the reorganization of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (AVRN), the immanent shuffle of the cabinet and dismissal of Prime Minister Nguyễn Văn Lộc, the solidification of the President's position against his main internal rival Vice President Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, the rumored reassignment of General Cao Văn Viên, the commander of the South Vietnamese Army, and general anti-corruption drives in both civilian and military spheres. There is a postscript letter to Hank (Editor) asking for a renewal of the "London Edition" for Keever. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the increasing size of the South Vietnamese Army Original title: "arvn", Keever's title: "Saigon Government Hikes its Armed Force Size." Article draft written by Keever concerning South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's increase of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (AVRN) to 805,000 men in 1968 and its consequences on the already beleaguered civilian administration. The article includes a postscript message to Hank (Editor) about a future article on North Vietnamese Bombing. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about helicopter warfare in South Vietnam Original title: "Thieu," Keever's title: "Helicopter Diplomacy A-flutter Admist War." Article draft about helicopters and their influence on U.S.-Vietnam diplomacy. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about ARVN mobilization in Saigon Original title: "mobilize", Keever's title: "Saigon Mobilization Plan Helped by Communist Offensive", Article draft about President Nguy?n V?n Thi?u's mobilization plan in response to the Tet Offensive, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the Vietnamese reaction to the US Presidential Election
Original title: "demos", Keever's title: "U.S. Presidential Campaign Brings 'No Comment', from President Thieu, Harangment[?] from Hanoi." Article draft about the Vietnamese reaction to the then-ongoing U.S. Presidential Election Democratic Party Convention in which Hubert Humphrey was selected to replace President Johnson as the Democratic Candidate against Richard Nixon (note: it is unclear whether Saigon knew the results of the Democratic Party Convention by the time of publication). Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's address Original title: "thieu", Keever's title: "President Theiu Agreed with LBJ's Bombing Pause." Article draft about South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's press conference, in which he reiterated his anti-communist stance and criticised, albeit nondirectly, the Johnson Administration's abandonment of the bombing campaign and aim to wind down the Vietnam War. The article ends with a missive to Hank (Editor) concerning the British response to Johnson's decision to not seek relection. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Third article on the prospects of peace in Vietnam in 1968 Original title: "thieu", Keever's title: "Pivotal 2-Month-Old Thieu-Ky Government is Immobalized", Third of a three part article series on the prospects of peace in Vietnam in 1968, looking particularly at the South Vietnamese government perspective, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the peace movement in South Vietnam Original title: "peace", Article draft about the left-wing peace movement threatening the governmental stability of Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, for the Christian Science Monitor