Article on Chinese Communist advisors to guerrilla units Original title: "chicom." Keever's title: "Chinese Observers Said to Join Viet Cong." Article by Keever on reports of Chinese Communist advisors to Viet Cong guerrilla units
Peking's On-Spot Men with Red Viets Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about Chinese advisors to the Việt Cộng, page 2
Article about Chinese Communist deployment in North Vietnam Original title: "focus 6", Article draft about three Chinese infantry divisions being deployed into North Vietnam, for the Christian Science Monitor
China War Peril Inpels Inquiry Now - Fullbright Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about the risk of war with China, page unknown
Chinese MiGs Fight U.S. Jets Article about Chinese MiGs, for the New York Herald Tribune
Article about Communist China transporting military supplies from the Soviet Union to North Vietnam Original title :"Missiles", Keever's title: "Moved through China, Rather than Sea, Soviet Missiles Encircle Hanoi", article about Communist China help in transporting military supplies from the Soviet Union to North Vietnam
Article speculating about Hồ Chà Minh's policy toward the USSR and China Original title: "fate", Keever's title: "Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi Straddles Sino-Soviet Split", Article speculating about Hồ Chà Minh's policy toward the USSR and China and how this will effect the balance of power in the region long term, for the New York Herald Tribune
From Saigon, Some Doubts About a Battle That Might Be Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about fears of an attack of Saigon by China and the potential role of jet planes in the Vietnam War, page unknown
General Doubts Red Chinese Would Bomb South Viet Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about Maj. General Moore's insistance that the Chinese will not bomb South Vietnam, page 12
Article about Maj. Gen. Moore's comments on Chinese aircraft Original title: "moore", Article draft about Maj. General Joseph H. Moore's comments on the capabilities of Chinese aircrafts, for the New York Herald Tribune
Letter to Don Monaco about Shanghai photo series Letter from Beverly Keever to Don Monaco about 14 photos of Shanghai, to be published in Pageant
Shipside View of Drab Shanghai Article by Beverly Keever for the AP about her experience in Shainghai Port. While Keever was not allowed off her ship as an American, she interviewed the sailors who went onshore and wrote about these interviews. Since so little was known in America about China under Mao, publishers were interested in the article, despite the fact Keever was unable to go ashore
Shipside View of Drab Shanghai Article by Beverly Keever for the AP about her experience in Shainghai Port. While Keever was not allowed off her ship as an American, she interviewed the sailors who went onshore and wrote about these interviews. Since so little was known in America about China under Mao, publishers were interested in the article, despite the fact Keever was unable to go ashore