Second article about the state of the Vietnam War Original title: "COMMUNIST", Keever's title: "Communists push 'People's War' for Countrywide Offensive", Second of a two part series of articles about the state of the Vietnam War focussing on the communist side, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article draft about Ho Xuan Phuc, a Chieu Hoi defector Original title: "Open Arms", Article draft about Ho Xuan Phuc, who defected from the communist side in the Chieu Hoi program, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about Communist units stationed 45 miles North of Saigon Original title: "airborne", Keever's title: "North Vietnam troops operate 40 miles from Saigon", article about Communist units being 45 miles North of Saigon, for the New York Herald Tribune
Article about the tactics of Việt Cộng surrounding Saigon Original title: "Noose", Keever's title: "Communists plan Mao-plus-Lenin tactis to seize Saigon later", article about the tactics of Việt Cộng fighters who had surrounded Saigon, and their use of both Mao Tse-Tung and Lenin's tactics, for the New York Herald Tribune
Article about Communist anti-war propaganda Keever's title: "Communist propaganda-cum-subversion is 'Raging and Rampant' In South Vietnam", article about Communist anti-war propaganda
Article about the bombing of the Saigon airbase Keever's title: "Communists' worst shelling of war's bussiest airport aided by political turmoil," article about the bombing of the Saigon airbase
Article about North Vietnamese pilots being trained to operate Soviet-made jet Keever's title: "During bombing pause, Hanoi trains pilots to fly Soviet-made MIG jets", article about North Vietnamese pilots being trained to operate Soviet-made jet, for the New York Herald Tribune
Red School: Recruit to Guerilla Article published in the New York Herald Tribune about a North Vietnamese defector's report on the training of Communist troops, page 2
Article about Communist China transporting military supplies from the Soviet Union to North Vietnam Original title :"Missiles", Keever's title: "Moved through China, Rather than Sea, Soviet Missiles Encircle Hanoi", article about Communist China help in transporting military supplies from the Soviet Union to North Vietnam
Article about Lt. Gen. Nguyễn Khánh Original caption: "Khanh." Keever's note: "U.S.-backed Gen. Nguyen Khanh's eroding control." Article about Lt. Gen. Nguyễn Khánh and the North Vietnamese invasion for the New York Herald Tribune
J. Edward Snyder Jr., P.J. "Pat" Morocco, and John Clark discuss the destruction of North Vietnamese bunkers Original caption: "Destruction of North Vietnamese Bunkers and artillery sites within and just North of the DMZ by 16-inch Guns of USS New Jersey is described to Capt. J. Edward Snyder Jr., Left, Commanding Officer, By 1st Lt. P.J. "Pat" Morocco, right, and Maj. John Clark. Morocco, Youngstown, O., Spotted the New Jersey's First firing mission in Viet Nam Monday, Sep. 30, while Clark piloted the TA-4 aircraft from the first marine air wing, Mag 11, Da Nang." Three American sailors stand close together and talk.
Donald Moss and Betrand Hoffing treat a wounded North Vietnamese Army soldier Original caption: "Tuy Hoa, Vietnam - Two 1st Brigade , 101st Airborne Division medics, Specialists Five Donald Moss (L) and Specialist Five Betrand Hoffing (Right) treat a wounded North Vietnamese Army soldier on Operation Geronimo I north of Tuy Hoa. The Brigade killed 149 enemy (body count) and captured 76 during the operation. One hundred forty-two weapons captured earned the 101st an exceptional body count to weapons ratio of 1.5 to 1." Two American soldiers apply bandages to the back of Vietnamese soldier. There is tall grass in the background.
Wounded North Vietnamese soldier receives medical aid from American soldier Bertrand Hoffing Original caption: "Tuy Hoa, Vietnam - A wounded North Vietnamese Army soldier of the 95th North Vietnamese Army Regiment receives medical aid from Specialist Five Bertrand Hoffing of St. Petersburg, Fla., a 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division medic during Operation Geronimo I near Tuy Hoa. The fierce battle, fought by the Brigade's 2nd Battalion, 502nd (Airborne) Infantry, the "Strike Force", yielded 73 enemy killed (body count), 44 enemy captured, and 68 weapons captured." An American soldier applies bandages to the bottom of Vietnamese soldier. There is tall grass and medical supplies in the background.