Article about discoveries inside the DMZ Original title: "dmz", Keever's title: "In more [?] Inside the DMZ, U.S. Marines Find Communist Bunkering Complex, Arms Cache, Graves", Article draft about discoveries inside the DMZ, for the Christian Science Monitor, pages 1-15
Article about Marines returning to Khe Sanh and Communist activity there Original title: "revisit. File K/S Revisited Oct/68." Article by Keever about Marine Corps' return to the Khe Sanh outpost and the signs of Communist presence there
Article about North Vietnam moving troops into South Vietnam Original title: "bomb", Keever's title: "Trucks Carry North Vietnamese Troops into the South." Article draft about the US suspending its bombing campaign in the North as more Communist troops move in using trucks. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Fifth article about Khe Sanh Original title: "offensive", Keever's title: "'Hemmed-In Feeling' Grips Khe Sanh", part five of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Fourth article about Khe Sanh Original title: "strategy", Keever's title: "Communist Tanks and Trucks Detour Khe Sanh", part four of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Third article about Khe Sanh Original title: "defense", Keever's title: "Khe Sanh Likened to Cheese in a Mousetrap", Part three of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Second article about Khe Sanh Original title: "siege", Keever's title: "Three-Demensional Siege Grips Khe Sanh", Part two of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
First article about Khe Sanh Original title: "khe sahn", Keever's title: "Khe Sanh Marines Try to Cheat Death; Some Fail", Part one of a five part series about the mood, preparedness, strategy and significance of Khe Sahn, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the 308th North Vietnamese Infantry Division Original title: "division." Article draft about the elite Hanoi-based 308th North Vietnamese Infantry Division being redeployed into South Vietnam. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about mass surrenders of North Vietnamese troops Original title: "cordon", Keever's title: "Biggest Number of Hanoi's Troops Surreder." Article draft about mass surrenders of North Vietnamese troops due to them being less trained and disciplined, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article on Communist withdrawl from South Vietnam Original title: "mainforce." Article by Keever on the withdrawal of the main Communist force from South Vietnam
Article about tensions between North and South Vietnamese Communist forces Original title: "frictions", Keever's title: "As more North Vietnamese reinforce the Southern-Born Viet Cong, Frictions Arise." Article draft about cultural and tactical differences between the Northern People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Southern Việt Cộng, leading to inter-Communist tensions. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about a potential Communist reloctation Original title: "mainforce", Keever's title: "North Vietnamese [?] Reportedly Withdraw to Stach-[?]." Article about Communist troop movements and potential withdrawl of a large portion of main forces. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about the Communist strategy of more over better soldiers Original title: "quality", Keever's title: "Communist Forces Deemed Poorer Quality - but more Quantity." Article draft about the decision by Communist forces to value numbers over individual capability in their troops. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about Hanoi withdrawing troops from South Vietnam Original title: "withdraw", Keever's title: "Hanoi's Troop Withdrawl to Base Area Brings lull in Military Actions." Article draft about the effects and potential reasons behind Hanoi's troop withdrawl from South Vietnam. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about Communist air attacks Original title: "weapons", Keever's title: "Communist MIGs Reportedly Attack in Laos and South Vietnam", Article draft about Communist air actions and rumored escalation, for the Chrisitian Science Monitor
Article about Communist bases in Cambodia Original title: "cambodia", Keever's title: "Cambodia Transits Communist Supplies?" Article draft about potential Cambodian supply bases operated by the Communists, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about a journey along the Ho Chi Minh Trail Original title: "rally", Keever's title: "North Vietnamese Trooper Walks 800 Miles on Ho Chi Minh Trail for 10 Months", Article draft about North Vietnamese soldier Đinh Công Ba's trek across Vietnam on the Hồ Chí Minh Trail, for the Christian Science Monitor
Second article on military strategy and tactics, focusing on Communist forces Original title: "strategy", Keever's title: "Communists Split with Main-Force units in Strategical Retreat; Guerrilla Offensive with Defection[?]" Article draft about Communist strategy in August of 1968. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about changes in Việt Cộng command Original title: "command", Keever's title: "Shake-up in Viet Cong High Comand gives more North Vietnamese Control over Southerners." Article draft about changes in Việt Cộng command after the failed May 1968 offensive which saw the North Vietnamese take control. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about Cambodian and Loatian roads built by Communists Original title: "roads", Keever's title: "Asphalt Highway from Cambodia, All-Weather Roads Boost Communist Supplies." Article draft about Communist forces improving their logistics in the Vietnam War with a road building campaign. Written for the Christian Science Monitor
Article on Communist road building in Cambodia Original title: "roads." Keever's title: "Asphalt Highway from Cambodia, All-Weather Roads Boost Communist Supplies." Article by Keever on the road building of the Communists in Cambodia
Article about Chinese Communist deployment in North Vietnam Original title: "focus 6", Article draft about three Chinese infantry divisions being deployed into North Vietnam, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about North Vietnamese control of Việt Cộng troops Original title: "Command", Keever's title: "North Vietnamese Army Now Commands Viet Cong in two-thirds of the South", Article draft about the North Vietnamese assuming direct control of Việt Cộng units, for the Christian Science Monitor
Article about increasing Communist strength Original title: "offensive", Article draft about the increase of the number of Communist forces in South Vietnam prior to a planned monsoon season offensive, for the Christian Science Monitor